Smart Bites, Happy Life with Meal Planning

Some benefits of meal planning include eating healthier, saving time and money, and not wasting food.

Lorna Harvey
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs


Image by the author via Canva

I realized the other day that I was eating whatever I wanted for my meals without planning for good nutrition. This will be a busy month for most of us, so I thought it might be a good idea to do some meal planning.

We all have busy lives regardless of the time of year, so meal planning might be good for our waistlines and our wallet!

Your diet can be the last thing on your thoughts when you’re running through a hectic day. Perhaps you buy lunch from a vending machine, grab a doughnut during a morning meeting, and, too exhausted to cook, pick up a bucket of fried chicken for supper.

Rethink your belief if you don’t have time to arrange your meals! Eating healthily might actually be more convenient when you plan your meals ahead of time. Additionally, you’ll probably save money on eating out and groceries.

Get back on track with your diet. Check out these pointers for mastering the art of meal planning.

Managing the Meal Planning Logistics

1. Make Weekly Schedules. Making meal plans for multiple days at a time will generally be…



Lorna Harvey
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

I’m a blogger, writer, and interested in helping people find answers for living their best life. I also write on