Social Contracts Don’t Work Anymore

Unless it’s my version of one

Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs


The original social contract basically states that we will not break certain behaviors and moral codes for all who participate in and reap the benefits of society. But how does that work in a world full of anger and disdain?

How does that work in a world full of anxiety, self-centeredness, and stupidity? Or in a country that has begun to treat the notion of treating others the way you want to be treated as weakness and a populace hell-bent on deliberately antagonizing those around them.

“We’re supposed to act in a civilized way!”

But more weirdly, with society moving towards unfiltered thoughts with intent to harm, it’s been a growing thought of mine that interpersonal relationships have the pendulum swinging the opposite way. Friends, significant others, and family members treat each other like glass — retreating to conversations filled with nothing but collaborative lies, carefully dodging truth potholes along every avenue.

I think it’s a version of conflict avoidance that stems from the deluge of conflict fed to us in every possible medium in our day-to-day lives. News media, entertainment sites, social media, and even movie releases are about us versus them, or you’re in danger, or you’re alone, and here’s how this pill can help.



Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

Southern California Millennial; Awkward and very Aware of it; Chaotic Neutral. To read for free visit