Sometimes, it’s the victory of evil over good…
And for valid reasons.
A boy named Luke came back one day all bruised and hurt with swollen eyes. His father was at home, working.
He was shocked to see his son enter the house in that state. Real rage in his eyes.
He asked, ‘Who hurt you?’
‘No one.’
‘Then what is all this?’ Pointing toward his arms.
‘We had a match. The other team won.’
He was relieved but still not convinced as there were so many scratches and bruises on his face as well.
‘It was a football match. Not a boxing match. What is all this?’, pointing his fingers toward his face.
‘The boys of the other team did it to us all. To scare us, to intimidate us on the field. They were so subtle, that no yellow or red cards were given to them when we complained multiple times. Fishing idiots!’
‘They are idiots or are you all?’
‘Are you on our side or theirs?’
‘Umm, I want to be on yours but they did play well, didn’t they?’
‘Playing well and hurting other people are two different things, Dad.’
‘Yes, but spectators did not get it. Right?’
‘So, they played well.’
‘I do not understand why are you taking their side. They are evil. They hurt us. They still won.’
‘Are you in the mood for a short story?’
‘Dad, please. Not another one.’
He was annoyed as is. And after all morning with the dad jokes, then algebra and grammar class which went over his head, and then unnecessary beating in the match, he was just not in the mood.
The dad insisted, ‘It’s very short.’
‘If I sleep while listening to that, PLEASE don’t mind.’
‘No, I will mind because I have a mind. ;)’
‘Dad, I am leaving.’
‘Okay, let’s cut to the chase.’
>Storytime for the Son
‘There were once two brothers named Hades and Zeus.’
‘These are Greek Gods.’
‘So? I cannot name 2 fictional boys after Greek Gods?’
‘*Sigh* Okay. Continue.’
‘So…Hades was super religious and used to do good things as he believed in good karma. Every day he used to go to the temple and pray to God.
Zeus was an atheist. He despised God and used to throw a stone at the temple/church/mosque/gurudwara whenever he saw one. Without fail. It was like a ritual that he had created in his mind.’
‘I don’t know.’
‘*Eye roll*’
‘Hey, let me come to the point first and then roll your eyes!’
He continued, ‘One day, there was a storm, it was raining heavily, and there was havoc all over the city. Hades missed going to the temple that day thinking that God would understand. But Zeus… oh he went out in the storm, found a temple nearby, threw the stone, and came back home all wet and sick.
And you know what God did? Made Zeus win a lottery!’
‘I think you said it wrong. He made Hades win a lottery. Right?’
‘What the fire-cracker? Why?!’
‘Hey! No more cuss words! And to answer your question, that is because he was consistent in his hate. He threw stones even when it was not possible to. He even became sick after going in the rain just because he wanted to throw a stone at God.
But Hades… thought God/universe/power or whatever you believe in, understands and forgives. Which she/he/it does! But they are not obligated to reward your inconsistent efforts.
It takes a great effort to be evil, my son. And greater effort to be consistent with that evil-ness. So, efforts and consistency are always rewarded.’
‘So, all we have to do is be consistent in our practice and we can win our match?’, Luke said, being as direct as possible.
‘You say as if it is very easy. But it is not.’
‘So, what do I have to do?’
‘You have to put efforts to be good. Being good is fairly easier than being bad though, but does not mean being consistently good is easy. You can get bad thoughts and feelings. You might wanna punch those cucumbers back, who hit you and your friends. And that’s okay.
But you should know what to do and when to get back on track. Do good every day, my son.’
‘But I AM consistent in my practice!’
‘Oh Please! We had so much ice cream yesterday! All your practice went in vain.’
‘Oh… yeah. Sharks.’
‘I said no cuss words.’
‘Oh yeah! Sharks!’
‘Sorry. :) Be consistent in your nagging, Dad. Maybe I will stop.’
‘Smart brass.’
‘HAHAHA like father like son.’
‘Don’t punch them though.’
‘Yeah, I know. I will become so good at football that they will punch their own faces.’
‘Haha haha! Okay then. Ice cream?’
‘Ye… NO!’
‘Thanks, Dad!’
Consistency, more often than not, replaces motivation. And consistency will give some peace to your mind in this world that is trying to scurry away in some hollowness disguised as hustle.
So, if you want to get fit? Be regular at the gym. Want to be the best writer? Regular. Want to be good in bed? Guess what? R.e.g.u.l.a.r. indefinitely.
And so on… You get it.
PS: This whole article is supposed to be a motivation for me to not eat processed meat and so many brownies. :(
PPS: On a serious note, with the Israel-Hamas War happening, I wanted to write something about it without it being direct (yet).
Bad people are consistent with their badness. Hence, can sometimes win or appear to win.
But guess what? There are some good people who are consistent too. I am betting on those.
So, let us all try to be so good that winning becomes effortless. ^_^
Until next time…