The 1 Reason That Keeps Gen-Z In the Cycle of Unprogression.

Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
2 min readJun 14, 2024
Photo by Julián Gentilezza on Unsplash


Among the 100 Most Asked Questions on Google In 2024, wasn’t how to lose weight but how to lose weight fast.

Hardly anybody still wants to wait. It is as though the longer it takes the desire would fade.

If you wanted to get 50k+ steam on Spotify and were told it would take 4 years, chances are you would back out.

Or if you are like most Gen-Z who feel like the rules don’t apply to them, you’ll believe it can be done in a year, and after 7 months of no results, call it quit (concluding it isn’t worth it.)

Many underestimate how long it would take to be successful or how much it would take.
One question that is borne in their heart and mind is how long?

How long would it take until I start seeing progress? is a most sought answer than how long would it take for global warming to kill us. (For obvious reasons)

Any progress in life takes time. That’s why consistency and persistence are so preached about.

Both hard and Smart work won’t guarantee overnight success. (At least not in the long run)

It takes as long as it takes. -John McPhee



Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

Hi! My name is Smiang. My mantra is "Either write something that's worth reading, or do something that's worth writing about"