The 7 Dollar Tree?

Late-stage capitalism strikes again

Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs


Photo by Gayatri Malhotra on Unsplash

If you need a sign that the economy is in the toilet, this is it!

The well-known discount chain, Dollar Tree, has finally pulled the trigger.

Sure, we all had a few laughs when they changed their prices to $1.25 plus tax, but this is far more serious than any of us realized.

Per Fox Business, the highest price prior to these new price changes was around $5. Personally, I’ve never paid more than $1.50 for anything from Dollar Tree and I have no plans to do so in the near future.

At any rate, the party is over. The Dollar Tree is officially catering to higher-income customers, which is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard.

Do Rich People Need the Dollar Tree?

Granted, I’m not nearly as rich as I believe myself to be in my head. But most of the well-off people I know don’t give a rat’s a** about most discount chains.

No shade, but those stores are often chaotic and disorganized, with long lines, and why would you deal with that if you don’t have to?

Heck, even I sometimes pay a few extra bucks at certain stores to avoid the ones notorious for long lines.



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