The Adventures of Dick the Cat, Day Three

Dick Meets Happy the Rabbit

Richard Barrett
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs


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Dick’s visit with Peggy the Pig was a real eye-opener of what was out there in this big beautiful world.

Both he and Peggy had a great sleep and Peggy was able to pull some strings and get Dick a can of tuna which he gobbled up amidst thunderous purring.

Long goodbyes were not Dick’s strong suit and he wanted to get back on the road as soon as possible. After some light conversation, Dick thanked Peggy for her gracious hospitality, gave her a farewell meow, and with a slow blink of his eyes, hopped the fence, and was off.

There Goes the Prancing Dick

Dick pranced his way from field to field, feeling very confident that he had made the right choice in deciding to leave home to explore the world. He felt that he had gained a great deal of knowledge from his visit with Peggy the Pig. That was just day two. Just imagine what lies ahead, Dick thought to himself.

Stop! Did You Smell That?

All of a sudden, Dick smelt something and immediately transformed from Dick the prancing cat to Dick the stealth warrior.

Having forty times more sensory cells than a human and twice as many as most breeds of dogs, a great sense of smell…



Richard Barrett
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

Creator of the soon to be released blog, The Hungry Golfer, where I blog about all things golf and food. Let's travel the world, enjoying great golf and food.