The Best Reality TV Show of All Time

Ever heard of a show called South Beach Tow?

Zoë Kuehn
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs


Photo by Andrew Valdivia on Unsplash

I grew up in an era of ridiculous reality TV: Top Chef, Toddlers & Tiaras, My Strange Addiction, The Real Housewives of _____, Jersey Shore, Long Island Medium… the list goes on and on. However, there is one show that takes the cake, and it’s not Cake Boss, It’s a show called “South Beach Tow”.

South Beach Tow follows the workers of Tremont Towing, a tow truck company in Miami’s South Beach neighborhood. There are only seven or eight people who work for the company. Bernice and Dave are without a doubt the most beloved characters.

Bernice is a tell-it-like-it-is woman, who does not conform to anyone’s bs. Dave on the other hand is a bit of a pushover, he doesn’t seem to have life figured out. The combination of these characters makes for some great TV. These are my favorite moments of the two of them together:



Zoë Kuehn
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

Green tea addict who has too many hobbies. For business inquiries please contact