The Chickens Come Home To Roost

Justin Olhipi
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
2 min readJul 14, 2024
Art by Night Cafe

For centuries, people here in the USA have been saying that the purpose of the Second Amendment is so that citizens can take up arms against the government should it become tyrannical. For centuries, marginalized people have experienced violence at the hands of the state. For decades, starting with Newt Gingrich, the Right has painted the Left as sub-human, undeserving of civil rights, the enemy.

The chickens have come home to roost.

Recent information reveals that the shooter was a registered Republican, a gun enthusiast, and a history buff. There are “never trumper” Republicans out there and I suspect the shooter was one of these. Now that Project 2025 is getting some attention, the shooter could have seen TFG as a clear and present danger and seen this assassination attempt as his duty. Why not?

In retrospect, we admire those who attempted to assassinate Hitler.

Now, I see people on my side of the aisle offering condolences and saying violence has no place in our society. Really? This country was founded in violence and sustained by violence. To many minds, violence is fine as long as your side wins.

Thoughts and prayers, my derriere. How about some thoughts and prayers for those who have died and will die under the stochastic terror that TFG has stoked? And how about we keep beating the drum, warning about Project 2025? Because the Powers that Be are already implementing it here in the USA. And if it becomes the law of the land, it’s Game Over.

The chickens have come home to roost.



Justin Olhipi
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

Autistic artist, student of life. Red Letter Panthiest. SJW since the '60's. NB / AFAB. Just visiting this planet. White-passing Creole from New Orleans USA