The Cost of Happiness: Why We Pay For Laughter and Joy

How happiness became a commodity

God'sgift Oghale Amos
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
3 min readMay 6, 2024


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“Oh yeah, happiness is free," says everyone, yet people are dependent on the actions and thoughts of others' way of life. A slight provocation from anyone can spoil the day (or weeks) for you.

Deep inside, we know this cliché is true, yet people can’t be happy anymore. Is it the stress of the present times or what? We all pay a huge amount of money to be happy for a few seconds, hosted by big-time comedians in their noisy shows, earning thousands and millions into their pockets. Who themselves are not even happy but some of the greatest sadists. How can someone who is sad make you laugh? Well, it’s happening in Tim Harvey Shows and AY Nigeria Comedy Shows. YouTube, Facebook, TikTok, and the likes are now filled with hundreds and thousands of contents that make people happy, laugh, and smile. And their algorithms are wired to keep you happy... One of such channels on YouTube are the likes of Sabinus, Brother Shaggi, etc., all in Nigeria, and their counterparts spread across the world, cashing it big.

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People like me and you pay and go as far as subscribing to a huge amount of data to spend all our freaking time on these platforms, all in the name of pulling out stress. Unbelievable!

Is this the common world we all live in or what? We even pass this attitude to our kids. Wow! I thought, if happiness was supposed to be free, why do we all pay a certain amount to be happy for a time being. Well, I didn’t know where this idea may have originated, but one thing I do know is "happiness is no longer free" as the claim may be. Believe me when I say it, and deep within you, you know that! If happiness was believed to be free, given by God to all, why do we all pay a huge amount of time and money to travel to the most luxurious places around the world to become happy? We invest and invest a great deal of life to put a smile on our faces, only to end after a few days or minutes.

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Is it not true that we can be happy right within our homes and self and exude it out freely? If you’re among those communities holding those beliefs and ideology that laughing and smiling are free, then you are not living in this 21st century...

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Thank you!



God'sgift Oghale Amos
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

I am a simple "Parent Expert Doctor" me is all about Parenting+Family+Life+Tech+Children+Philosophy+Entrepreneur(ship)....+God!