The Death of Death: A Book By Jose & Wood

The Scientific Possibility of Human Immortality and Aging

God'sgift Oghale Amos
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
2 min readAug 4, 2023


Photo by Jaredd Craig on Unsplash

Can Humans Live Forever?

In ions of time (life!).

The future, present, and past of the human race have been filled with an unquestionable thirst to learn about how humans die and live. Death is inevitable everyone says! History has told us about how people fear death and the quest to find how to deal with it hence we humans have run into so many comfort zones to shield ourselves from it, giving us hope.

Many of us run into popular religions, philosophies, and much more self-defense all to deal with fear of death!

The controversy of death is no longer rigid and absolute to many and has taken sides with natural causes without fear.

What about aging?

So many welcome it while others seem to fight with it.

The Truth No one Talks about

Photo by Marek Pospíšil on Unsplash

But the truth still remains doe’s science has the entire question to the truth about Death and Aging.

This indispensable book written by Cordeiro Jose and David Wood puts some important insights about aging and vitality, Human Longevity, Human cryopreservation, Future trends in Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, the Future of Humanity, how humans can live forever, how life expectancy will grow and the future benefits it may bring not minding the growing population like Japan, China, India, USA, Nigeria, etc

This book goes further about the recent advances in artificial intelligence, tissue regeneration, organ printing, and stem cell treatment.

Joe and Wood try very hard but in a simple way to summarize recent breakthroughs from various technical fields and how they can be used one day in the future to conquer death.

However, they see death as the last undefeated illness, disease, plaque, etc confronting the human race.

It’s a nice book you should look into without fear and with an open mind!



God'sgift Oghale Amos
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

I am a simple "Parent Expert Doctor" me is all about Parenting+Family+Life+Tech+Children+Philosophy+Entrepreneur(ship)....+God!