The Dilemma of Having Multiple Interests

Diversifying our passions while making no progress in any of them.

Sohaib Waheed
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
2 min readJun 30, 2024


Drawing by me (As you can see, I am quite the Artiste ^-^)

When something grabs our attention, we begin to focus on it more and more. This leads to us developing a more intricate relationship with that specific thing. For example, a person watches an exciting clip of someone playing basketball or overhears someone talking about the benefits of working out.

We begin to dream of pursuing that specific thing; however, most of us fall into the dilemma of not having enough time. Most of us have multiple interests, and managing all of them seems utterly impossible.

I am actually a bit envious of people who have a single, strict passion and stick to it. Their minds are not clouded by numerous thoughts or dreams they wish to pursue because they devote all of their free time to that one goal.

This further leads into our adult lives, where we are required to choose one job or career for the rest of our lives. The thought of sitting at their desk job slaving away your life only to get hit with the sudden realization that you will probably be doing this job or a job similar to this for 40+ years.

Truth is, we as humans are not meant to pursue or work towards a single thing. Our brains function much more highly than that. We learn to love and chase multiple things in life because that’s how our brain is programmed to do so.


There is no plausible solution to this dilemma; we will continue to love and pursue multiple dreams and passions in our hearts. There is nothing wrong with that! However, you can choose to allocate your delicate time to your interests by simply listing them.

The interests that you love the most can be at the top of the list, where those specific interests will be given an hour or two daily, and the interests that lie near the bottom of the list can be done on the weekends.

“Life is a balance between holding on and letting go” —Rumi

It’s all about balance. You may have to accept that you don’t have the time to pursue every one of your dreams right now, so just focus on the things that you want to do the most right now and give them to you all.

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