The Five Best Ways to Be Productive at What You Do

Francis Enechukwu
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
2 min readAug 5, 2023
Image by Andreas Klassen from unsplash

Productivity is the ability to accomplish a particular task in a short timeframe effectively. Being productive at what you do requires a lot of sacrifice and discipline. This may require you to leave your comfort zone and pursue something greater.

Many months ago, I was unproductive. It takes me time to achieve a single task; I am sluggish and lousy. I hated myself for this. Until one annoying failure hit me, I chose to step up my game and be a man for once in my life.
This made me work on myself for months with the help of my dad. It was a tedious journey, but after months of reading and working on myself, It paid off. This dreadful month made me more accomplished.

And every day, I can achieve all my tasks for the day, starting with coding, going to classes (I am in college), and learning new things from the internet. So, I will share with you how I did it and hope my method also helps.

1. Prioritize Your Tasks: Understand what tasks are the most important and make sure you complete them first. This helps prevent getting caught up in less critical tasks and ensures your energy is spent in the most effective way.

2. Eliminate Distractions: Keep a clean and organized workspace to minimize distractions. Also, be aware of digital distractions such as social media or email notifications by either turning them off or allocating specific times to check them.

3. Time Management: Efficient use of time is crucial for productivity. Implement strategies such as time-blocking, where you dedicate specific blocks of time to particular tasks. You could also use the Pomodoro Technique, which involves working for a set amount of time (like 25 minutes), taking a short break (like 5 minutes), and then repeating the cycle.

4. Take Care of Your Physical and Mental Health: Eat a healthy diet, get regular exercise, and ensure you are getting enough sleep. Also, practice mindfulness or meditation to manage stress and keep your mind focused and sharp.

5. Continuous Learning: Always look for ways to improve and optimize your workflow. Keep learning new things, whether they're directly related to your work or not, as this bolsters creativity and problem-solving skills. Attend workshops, webinars, or online courses; read books; and stay updated with recent trends in your field.

Finally, being productive requires a lot of hard work, discipline, sacrifice, sacrifice, and a good strategy. Which includes prioritizing your tasks, eliminating distractions at a minimum level, effective time management, taking good care of your physical and mental health, and continuous learning.

