The Gender Pay Gap Is Good News

Looking at the most contentious issue in an unlikely positive light

The Fumbling Generalist
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
4 min readJan 31, 2024


Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

The fact is, women are paid less than men — for doing practically the same job.

No matter how we slice it, and no matter how we try to explain it away, the gender pay gap exists.

This has become a source of emotional turmoil, insecurity, and injustice for women. And rightly so. For why should women earn only 80 cents to the man’s dollar?

In this piece, we’ll look at the same heart-breaking facts and put a positive spin on them. My hope is for this not to be seen as patronizing, insulting or taking lightly the daily (more like, hourly) realities faced by women.

But here’s why the pay gap, as it currently is, can actually be good news:

#1 Women are closing in

The gap is narrowing. While we’re still dealing with the 20-cent gender difference these days, it is down from 35 cents in 1982.

For sure, the drop could be faster and more consistent, instead of stalling or dropping in spurts, but the long-term outlook is such that in 2023 we had the narrowest gender pay gap on record.

And if adjusted for the basket of factors like occupation, industry, hours worked, education, experience, etc., we could see the gap get even narrower.

When we realize that women are closing in, despite men comfortably embedded in the highest positions and power, ensconced in their own echo chambers, and despite them lording it over a large number of industries and spaces, then it puts women’s progress in a much more hopeful light.

#2 This Is Despite All Her Disadvantages

In an ideal world, there will be equal opportunities and outcomes for both genders.

But lo, we do not live in such a world, and by the time she sits at the negotiating table, a woman has had a lifetime of disadvantages put on her by society.

She would have been burdened by societal expectations and norms that would have limited her choices, her experience, and her training, from the first day she steps in school, to the day she steps out, when she is told that she bears greater responsibility in maintaining the household.

That the gender pay gap is where it is, despite women being saddled with the responsibility of child-rearing every time a life is brought into this world, is a testament to how women are a hardy bunch who can rise through any obstacle put in their way.

Again, the figures can be much better. But in light of all the handicap of being female in our society, it is still a job well done.

Not about to play the blame game or “victim mentality” here. So let’s just quickly recognize the host of privileges and advantages afforded to women — from legal protections to societal accommodations — and how men have been more than willing to provide these. I think these have to be factored in for a more nuaced analysis of the issue.

#3 It’s Not All About Pay

Photo by Alexander Dummer on Unsplash

The observed gender pay gap cannot exclusively be attributed to the discrimination women face in the workplace.

Because for a lot of women, especially those whose partners can backstop their monthly needs, there are other things more important than work and salary.

Research has found that women are more willing to let go of top-tier pay for other privileges such as flexibility, parental leaves, amenities, and other perks.

A lot of women choose to spend more time with their kids and see them grow. They do so not because of social obligation, but because of the maternal insight that spending time with family is a far more rewarding experience than a few extra dollars per hour.

For a lot of men, this is not an option.

(They can just as easily decry a gender gap when it comes to time spent with their kids.)

#4 When Women Earn More Than Men…

I know it may look silly, but let’s consider what might happen when women out-earn the men.

Men: Honey, since you earn so much more, why don’t I just stay home and take care of the kids. I’ll take care of the house too.

What would women feel when they’re tackling the more dangerous jobs, or when they find themselves more often at airports, than at the dinner table?

I’m not saying that women won’t and can’t rise to the moment, because I’ve said women have long proven their strength, creativity, and grit in the workplace. That’s not even the issue.

But imagine for a moment if women find themselves in men’s shoes, and doing exactly the things men are doing right now, getting paid at those rates…would they be more happy?

Honestly, I don’t know the real answer to that. Because it hasn’t happened.

As of now, women are paid a little less than men, for every hour of work. And that’s not good news.

I just hope that as society continues to level the playing field, may we find little victories and hope in what we, as a species, have achieved so far.

(I would love to know your thoughts on this, so please let’s hear them in the comments section.)



The Fumbling Generalist
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

I write about random things that I feel suddenly passionate about. And I’m man with many passions. (About 204,753 of them…and counting!)