The Idiom Challenge We Play, When We’re Bored

Vidhyadhari M
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
5 min readMar 9, 2024
Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

Lately, Bee has been acting weird around me.
Smiling at her phone looking longingly.
Sighing dreamily while in deep thought and whenever I ask her what's all that about, she panics and changes the topic.

But I found out the reason that next day.
She's in love.

I caught her staring at a picture of a man with his dog. Although she doesn't know that I saw her in the act.

So my BFF is in love anddd..

I hate it!

Don't get me wrong, I'm super happy that she's in love and all, but I hate that she's hiding it from me.
That little minx!

I know exactly how to get her to start talking about this mysterious person.


It all started on a saturday afternoon. Bee and I were lying in my living room, bored and kept talking nonsense and suddenly I said an idiom and she said another and the conversation including suitable idioms kept on going until I couldn't think of another idiom for like 10 seconds may be, and I lost ‘the challenge’, but the bottom line was, we had so much fun and we got a new game to play.

When you play such fast game rounds, your mouth rules over your brain mostly and you know that's how Ross got to know why Phoebe was angry at him.
(reference from the tv show F.R.I.E.N.D.S)

So first thing's first - I'll have to kidnap Bee, seeing how much of a busy bee she's become and has no time for me whatsoever.

Although on second thought, I couldn't kidnap her. What if she punches me or tickles me to death?
Knowing her, she'll do both.

I'll just say that I need some help in the kitchen or something.
Yeah, that seems like a good excuse to call her over so suddenly. Right?

Now for the next and most important step- FOOD.
then I’ll…

“Knockity knock!! Bee in the house, say whoop!!!”

She's here.
I should've taken my key back from her when I had the chance. Darn it!

Wait, why am I cursing her in my head when my plan was to bring her here all along. 
Yeah, stupidity catches me sometimes.

Bee comes into my kitchen and sits beside me on the kitchen table.
“Hey V! Why didn't I get my whoop?”

I was soo short circuited from her sudden arrival that the next line just came out of my mouth without my brain’s approval. 
“Oh, ello there mate! I just didn’t hear ya. But now I heard you so whoop whoop to you my pal.”
Oh god… she’s going to find out I’m up to something.
Darn it! Pull it together V.

Bee squints her eyes suspiciously, “you're up to something.”

“No! you're up to something!” I say and her eyes get wide.
Yeah, she's afraid I caught her secret. 
I have to thread carefully or else she'll buzz away and I'll never get that secret out of her.

“You've become so busy that you don't have time for me nowadays. Do you remember the last time we spent some quality time just munching and playing games together.. No, zip it. I don't want to here your excuses.”

“Aww, did my bestie miss her bestie? Well I'm right here and it's the weekend. We can have all the fun we want. So what do you want to do?”

“Okay! Let's get some food and then we'll decide something.”

We took some chips and cookies and sat on the sofa in the living room.
I was trying my hardest to act casual and put my game face on.

“Soo…what do you want to play? Ooo I know! let's play the idiom challange. It's been so long.”
“Yaa, I tollly fogoo bout dat.”
“Mch, Bee. How many times should I tell you to not talk while you're eating.”
“Okay, okay. I'm done. Yeah, that's a good game. Let's do it. You start. But before that let's revise the rules.”
“Double points for double usage of idioms and trash talk is accepted but not required.”
“Okay, go.”

I stood up and stretched and then I sat down slowly putting on my poker face and stared at her.

“Why do I have a feeling I'm in hot water....” Bee asks with suspicion and starts our little game.
“Yeah? Then I advize you to jusz bite the bullet and spill the beans mizz.” I say with my best Russian accent trying to intimidate her.
She tries to play it off cool by laughing out loud, although I can sense her panic laced behind her laugh.
My BFF just found out that she's got bamboozled.

She suddenly gets up and walks to the window.
“OH MY GOD! It's raining cats and dogs.”
I just watch her with a bored expression.
“I think you know what I'm waiting for, so let's just cut to the chase.”
She then she falls dramatically murmuring,
“I think I should go home. I feel under the weather.”
“Don't go all drama queen on me Bee. You know how I become when I want something, like a dog with a bone and I know where you live too.” I say pointing my fingers from my eyes to her eyes.
She stands up and sits beside me with a scowl.
“What's with this interrogation anyway. It's so out of the blue.”

I inhale deeply before I blow out a long breath and say,
“Okay, I'll throw the towel and just say that I know what you're up to and I'm happy for you and mister moustache.”
With a confused expression she says,
“My head is spinning V. What are you talking about?”
“Oh c'mon, I know you're head over heels in love with some dude which I support by the way. I saw his picture in your phone which was completely unintentional if I may add, he was carrying a cute puppy. So yeah, the puppy played a major role for me to make peace with your secret relationship.”

I babbled everything and then just started munching my brownies trying to ignore her.
I was salty that she hid this thing from me. I was her best friend!
Bee just stared at me for a long minute before she burst out laughing.
(and thus loosing the challange)

I just continued eating my brownies.

She swipes away her tears and hugs me from the side.
“I have to give it you V. You really came out on top. You are right. I’m in love.”
“Aha! I knew it!” I point to her.
She just looks at me amused.
“I’m in love with Hugsy, the puppy you saw in that picture which I’m going to adopt, you doofus.”
Before I can say anything, she continues by saying
“..and the reason I didn’t say anything about it is because I was going to surprise you.”

Ohhhh. Yep, that explains everything.
Time to deflect.
“So I guess I won the idiom challange.”

She just smirks and reaches for a brownie.
She knows she caught me and I'm deflecting but she doesn't call me out on it.
She just hugs me and shows me some pictures of the cutest puppy ever.

Thanks for reading.



Vidhyadhari M
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

Hi there! I hope my writings bring a smile to your face or plant a positive thought in your mind. Ooh and I also write poetry. Just saying.