The Mommy Wars Are About to Get Worse
It’s a battle on all fronts, but will we ever win?
Of all societal roles deemed appropriate for women, motherhood is the one we are most expected to fulfill. But society also judges the way we mother. As if giving birth and childrearing aren’t challenging enough, we also deal with the opinions of others who can’t mind their damn business.
Choosing motherhood now is even more demanding than it was for our parents’ generation. In this economy, the stereotypical stay-at-home mom of the 1950s that is the wet dream of the patriarchy simply isn’t plausible anymore. Most moms have to work. And in the U.S., we don’t exactly have a system supportive of new mothers. With all of this, it’s no wonder the U.S. is watching birth rates decline.
So much of the demands on American mothers is dictated by our culture, which has not been favorable to women.
As women have made progress in obtaining rights not long ago only held by men, such as the rights to vote, have credit and bank accounts without a male co-signer, file for a no-fault divorce…