The Mystery Behind Illinto and Dicinto

Illinto & Dicinto

Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
4 min readJan 6, 2023


Two identical swaddled in a brown basket like Illinto&Dicinto
Proposed future Illinto&Dicinto Cats look alike. Photo by Amy Baugess on Unsplash

As many of you can tell already, Illinto&Dicinto are two people. Sometimes, we see ourselves as an entity and identify with whatever pronouns seem suitable at that moment.

And the pronoun we would use in this article is “our” pronoun.

Today we will be telling you about Illinto&Dicinto secrets. These secrets would be littered around today’s tale.

The meaning behind the names: Illinto and Dicinto are “born out of indescribable happiness and overwhelming laughter.”

What language is it? We don’t know.

The history behind the names is: there was a moment when we both were having so much fun. Laughing excitedly like jackals when suddenly one of us just spontaneously said Illinto and Dicinto, giggling.

The other person told her to repeat what she had just said, and again, she said, Illinto and Dicinto. It sounded strange and beautiful, we decided to write it down and call our future male cats after them.

The first secret you now know about us is that Illinto and Dicinto were cat names. (Shh, keep it to yourselves).

How did pet names end up as our pen names?

It was around that period we decided to take our writing career seriously. What we mean by serious is we decided to publish our write-ups.

Most writers know how to jot their stuff down on paper or on their phones. But when it comes to publishing, only a few of us dare to put it out there.

In the quest to publish our write-ups, we thought using our original birth names was too original. We have spent all our lives been not original. All identical multiples are not original.

The second secret is Illinto&Dicinto are two unalike peas in a pod. Twins.

We were in the market for creative pen names. The names Illinto and Dicinto kept popping up on our search radar. We decided to snatch the names and use them for our pen names.

And the third but not the last secret is, to date, we have yet to settle on which amongst us is Dicinto or Illinto.

Well, we published under the pen name to the chagrin of our elder brother, Ayinla Daniel. He thought it was unprofessional to use the names and still hound us about them.

What can we say? No one except for us understands how ethereal the names are to us.

We took our publishing seriously for a while, and then the zeal died. We faced our education and money-pursuit ventures. We got caught up in other aspects of life until 2022 when the enthusiasm to publish started again.

Another secret of Illinto&Dicinto is starting again was hard.

They tell you to start anything you want to do but what people fail to mention is taking that first step is hard.

We had many obstacles: procrastinating, giving silly excuses, setting dates, and writing down plans, and all these yielded one result: NOTHING. We ended up doing nothing all this time.

On the 31st of August, one of us picked up her phone, went to Medium app, clicked the plus button, and wrote.

All this while we have been writing on our phones’ notepads. This would be the first time we would write on a publishing app.

We higgled and haggled over that write-up for about 3 hours, and the publish button was just at the top. We clicked on it with trepidation, smiling with our hearts beating.

And that was all it took to get back into the publishing world.

Oh, was our article a mess? Oh yes, it was a mess.

With a missing heading, typographical errors, and whatnot. Excited to see what it looks like check it out below. Though it has a title now. We thank Medium for that edit option.

Another secret you just discovered is that our first-ever Medium article was published without a heading.

After we published, we decided to name the account Illinto&Dicinto. A place where the world can find and read us.

4 months later, Illinto&Dicinto has 40 stories and is still making missteps along the way.

But the difference is we are already on the road. Moving and learning one article at a time.

One thing that our journey taught us is that making preparations is not always healthy.

You could make plans during the journey. It could help if you made those preparations on the way. Because your preparations could be an excuse to not start.

A quick unsolicited advice from Illinto&Dicinto to you: If you have been making plans concerning a project for too long and have yet to start. It is time to start developing the project and make plans for each stage along the way.

What could be the worst thing to happen? Hopefully, a missing title. Wink.

To our 155 Faithfuls, it has been a smooth ride. We do not know when it will end, but we hope for the best. Thanks for believing in us and continuing this fulfilling journey with Illinto and Dicinto.



Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

We are the BEST writers you could ever stumble upon. For further proof read our weird short stories, life articles consisting of memories. ENJOY.