Bob McWilliams
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
2 min readAug 9, 2022


Photo by Giacomo Lucarini on Unsplash

The Rage of Aquarius

I am a member of the Baby Boom generation. Please forgive me. In my defense, I bought into the Peace, Love, and Age of Aquarius. We were not going to be like our parent’s generation, the Great Depression/WWII group. Our bell bottoms and long hair and music would transform the world. Sexual freedom was going to bring about peace and harmony. Woodstock, Baby! The world would never be the same after we got our shot.

Well, the world probably won’t be the same after we are done with it, though not in the way it was originally conceived. Creating a continent of plastic in the Pacific, SUVing our way to climate disaster, destroying our democracy in the name of a con artist, banning books, applauding the overturn of Roe, and grousing about the work ethic of younger generations. Yep, the world may never be the same alright.

Sadly, I bought into the hype back then. I thought positive change could happen. I even committed to a career in public service to be a part of making a better world. I did some good things through the years and helped some people. Now, in retrospect, I didn’t know that I was working furiously for something better as the world was working toward the opposite.

I listen to my children and nieces and nephews talk about this country and the changes that are needed and I smile. I believe it is foolish to think any generation will fix anything. It will only occur through developing empathy towards others, questioning authority (parents, government, religion, etc.), and thinking about changing things that are just wrong. I’d like to be hopeful for a better future when I listen to them, but I am not holding my breath.



Bob McWilliams
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

I am a 70-year-old retired guy who enjoys writing, gardening, creating cocktails & grimacing watching Philly sports teams. I cherish my wife, 3 dogs & 2 catz