The Secret to Being Unbothered by What Other People Think

The therapy breakthrough that helped me cope with not being liked by everyone

Cina Lenee
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs


Photo by Author (Francina Greeves)

Last year, the “Let Them” Theory broke the internet for a moment. The concept is simple enough: instead of trying to force other people to meet your expectations, make note of their behavior and adjust accordingly.

Evaluating and acting based on logic is easy. Handling my feelings about their behaviors, however, is another story. Throughout my life, I have distanced myself from many people that I acknowledged did not treat me well. Despite my efforts, the feelings of rejection that came from those experiences have never lessened.

I know that everyone will never like me, but the amount of people who appeared to dislike me crushed me. Every single time I felt rejected, I would crumble. This is an ongoing area of focus in my therapy journey.

Advice That Helped, and Advice That Didn’t

When these feelings arise, the people who love me always give me similar advice:

“Don’t let them get to you.”
“Don’t take it personally.”
“They’re just jealous.”



Cina Lenee
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

Freelance writer, poet, and memoirist. Let’s journey through life and resilience together.