The Slut Shaming of Stormy

Why I Consider Her a Hero

Photo by Wesley Tingey on Unsplash

I’m not a fan of TV. I just don’t have the patience for it. Unless I’m snuggling in my lounge chair with Clark watching movies, my television set stays off most of the time.

I also avoid the news except for the occasional peek into national coverage to see what’s going on in the world. I cannot stand to hear Donald Trump speak. Not even a few words. Not even the really entertaining stuff like suggesting that we inject people with disinfectant to cure Covid or the time that he claimed George Washington’s Continental Army took over the airports. Listening to him talk grosses me out so much that it makes me throw up in the back of my throat a little bit.

Since Trump is all over the news, you can see why I avoid it.

But I have a tiny seed of hope growing inside of me that the criminal charges against him will stick, and he’ll go to jail, and enough people will see the truth to sway the election and keep him out of the White House until he finally dies of old age and untreated syphilis. So I’ve been keeping an eye on the trial reports.

I knew some of the rough details of his encounter with Stormy Daniels. Up until a few days ago, I’d assumed that her choice to have sex with him was based on a mutual attraction. I’m going to admit, I judged her poorly for this.

Then I heard the accounts of her story, and how she felt coerced, and it actually triggered me. I’ve had similar experiences in my life.

How many women have found themselves in the position of having sex because it’s easier to accede and “just get it over with”? How many of us have given in because we felt threatened? How many of us have been hounded with annoying booty calls that we didn’t really want to receive?

It’s not rape, but it’s not really consensual either. It’s something in between.

Apparently, this makes you a whore

Stormy has obviously made a public living in the sex industry. She’s probably had intercourse with dozens if not hundreds of people. If you believe that there is such a thing as being a slut, (I personally think it’s a concept made up by judgmental, self-righteous assholes), then I suppose she fits many peoples’ definition of it. For that, they look down upon her. To them, she is less valuable.

To those who live and breathe MAGAtry, she is a whore for tattling on Donald Trump. Her. Not him. Not the guy who has cheated on every single wife he’s ever married, and probably had more sexual encounters than Stormy.

That is the double standard of slut shaming

I don’t care what anybody says. I think she’s a hero. So what if she took money to keep silent? Selling stories is her trade. Taking money not to tell a really embarrassing story you wish you’d never taken part of? That’s just smart business.

Then the truth goes public anyway. Stormy finds herself being threatened in a parking lot by a goon while she’s trying to go to a yoga class carrying her infant daughter in a car seat.

When the whole thing breaks wide open, she’d taken the money and signed the nondisclosure agreement, and she’s not supposed to talk about it while she’s being dragged through the mud in the public eye. Trump is allowed to say whatever he wants, but she has to stay quiet? It’s bad enough that she has the memories of a horrible night of bad sex with the man, and he still has power over her?

Ahhhh… that’s pure ambrosia to a narcissist like Trump.

Now the tables are turned. Putting Trump under a gag order while forcing him to sit there day after day and listen to testimony against him is probably the worst thing that has ever happened to him. Not only does he not have any power over Stormy Daniels anymore, she has absolutely spanked him in court. A hell of a lot worse than she did with a magazine on that fateful night.

Her clear, calm, concise account of her relationship with DT is so credible that you have to be completely brainwashed to think that this did not actually happen. She knew when she gave her testimony that she was putting herself in physical danger by the mind-wiped masses who worship the fascist orange despot, and she gave it everything she had anyway. She knows that hypocritical Puritanical Americans will forever brand her as a slut and a whore.

Not me

I still have hope. Hope that people will hear her story and know it for the truth that it is. That they will be disgusted by the behavior of this man we once called president, and see him for the narcissistic lying asshole that he is.

After hearing her full account from the transcripts of the court proceedings, I admire this woman. She is intelligent, resilient, and strong. She’s sure as hell a lot smarter than Trump‘s defense team. If Trump is defeated in this election? We all owe her a debt of gratitude. If he wins the election? At least she was brave enough to take the stand and give it everything she’s got, which is more than a lot of us can say.

Thank you, Stormy.



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Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

1X Top Writer on Medium. Teacher. What do I teach? Kids. I teach kids. I teach that they are valued, respected, even loved. And I try to sneak in some Algebra