Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
3 min readJan 28, 2023


“Ego is a BITCH when you a BITCH.” — TIKIFUCIUS

As one who has experienced the different versions of BEING a female (HOE, BITCH, WOMAN) — I speak candidly and truthfully about the perils and pitfalls of their associated EGO types.

If you haven’t read the last article INTRODUCTION TO EGO — I suggest you read that first before jumping into the material in this series.

Lemme break it down to build da wisdom.

A BITCH has the most complicated EGO.

Like a HOE — she usually has sustained some form of abuse in her early formative years.

They are taught by example — or purposefully trained — to create an inflated persona to protect their unhealed fractured EGO.

The fractured EGO will split itself.

Creating a personality that they deem suitable to protect their sick EGO.

Then they build their character off of the shaky foundation minutely based off their truest SELF.

This is what a BITCH does in her MIND.

She compartmentalizes everything about her dats fractured.

And this fracturing will make a BITCH hard in her heart.

Oftentimes a BITCH will emulate the same destructive aggressive behavior to her peers as she observes from her MOTHER or immediate FEMALE caregiver.

She internalizes the ideology that life will be cruel to her if she does not possess palpable strength — a visible confidence to command others to bend to her WILL.

And when that imaginary and frightfully frail EGO is challenged — she will lash out like the hit dog dat she is.

She will use whatever tactics she has learned to deflect from being accountable for her abusive n manipulative behavior by playing mind games.

Fake tears — self harm — verbal/physical abuse, etc.

Whatever brand of toxic she has in her specific chamber — will show itself like an allergic reaction to a healthy dose of TRUTH.

A BITCH will claim she loves TRUTH — but her fractured EGO doesn’t possess the fortitude to accept it when it pertains to her especially.

A BITCH’s TRUTH will vary depending on the day — the hour — and the circumstance she finds herself in.

This is because she is always on the defence to protect whatever reality she has determined her EGO will best thrive in.

The TRUTH is — a BITCH hates the TRUTH — and is often unwittingly incapable and pathological in telling the whole TRUTH.

It becomes ingrained into the foundational coping mechanisms of her carefully constructed EGO.

Her whole EGO is a lie so she can’t be trusted with TRUTH.

She thrives in society — often being popular — because we live in a culture that celebrates inflated EGOS and false pretenses.

Keeping up appearances for social status and all that.

This is why it is imperative to determine the type of FEMALE you dealing with early.

For a HOE is often coachable — and a WOMAN is an asset to your life.

But a BITCH? Shiiiiiiiiid a BITCH will fuck up your life and try to convince you it’s your fault.

Many MALES are hasty to get into a relationship with a BITCH because of the pretentious power and potential she has carefully crafted to possess and portray to the world.

They pay for it dearly in the end.

More on that later.

It is very unlikely that a BITCH will heal and cultivate her initial EGO the longer she keeps living a life unchecked and uncorrected.

It’s very rare — tho not impossible — but the older a BITCH gets… the tighter the grip her inflated EGO has on her.

The most dangerous traits of a BITCH’S EGO is JEALOUSY.

When a BITCH is jealous in ANY type of relationship — it’s an indication to run far away and not look back or she will proactively seek to destroy you to appease her hellish EGO.

But I digress.

In the mean time — be aware and be cautious.

-to be continued-


TABITHA BLAIR is a code-switching Jamaican/Canadian SPIRITUAL ADVISOR/DREAM INTERPRETER/WRITER who was born n raised in Toronto, Canada.

If you would like to book a consultation for therapy, life advice, or dream interpretation — email me at the address below.




Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

Jamaican/Canadian SPIRITUAL ADVISOR/DREAM INTERPRETER/WRITER who was born n raised in Toronto, Canada. Email to book a consultation.