Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
4 min readJan 30, 2023


“Let her go if that jealousy start to show.” — TIKIFUCIUS

Jealousy is a deep kind of poison.

It will spill into every aspect of your life — make you judge your life based off comparisons to other people — and leave you dissatisfied in your core.

It’s an internal struggle created between you and your unhealthy EGO.

A healthy EGO can be in the same arena of others doing similar things but not be a RIVAL.

A healthy EGO can stay in their own lane and are genuinely happy for others in their own path to success.

They can be happy for others in healthy romantic relationships whether or not they are currently in one.

It’s actually really easy to tell whose EGO is healthy or not by their triggers of jealousy.

And a BITCH is the one with the biggest triggers in psychotic figures.

A jealous BITCH is one of the most dangerous beings to have around because her rational brain has been demoted to a delusional world based off the inflated EGO.

The BITCH EGO provides a sense of entitlement to whatever they see around them — and the jealous BITCH always believes she deserves it more than others.

She be out here feeling some type of way while you telling her good news.

You can see her eyes flash with a thinly contained jealousy that burns deep in a BITCH’S soul.

But a BITCH doesn’t just let it burn.

No — she gets calculating and manipulative to make sure she gets a turn.

Or at the very least try to block you from getting any higher.

See — a lot of times churchgoing folk will say God chose not to open that door to a higher level of success — but it really be the Devil in a BITCH’S EGO that be working harder to close every door until you finally learn to expel them from your course.

A jealous BITCH unchecked can get compulsively psychotic without them truly recognizing it within themselves.

This is another example of the EGO protecting itself to feel justified — but proactively splitting itself to block the pressure of accountability in their MIND.

This is how a narcissist is able to function in their delusional world.

The term NARCISSIST was supposedly created after some German dude was obsessed with himself.

It is currently one of the most talked about mental health issues that are discussed in mainstream media — but carefully examined is known to be synonymous with a jealous BITCH EGO.

Wanna know how?

Let me break it down to build the wisdom.

They both use manipulative, abusive, sabotaging tactics to ensure they remain on whatever pedestal their EGO conjured up.

There are different levels to a jealous BITCH depending on their personality.

There are some that are outwardly physically aggressive in their reaction to their jealousy — while many others — especially the narcissist — choose a psychological game to tear down the unassuming threat to their EGO.


Or the cost may be bigger than you can afford.

See — a jealous BITCH doesn’t just go after what you have that she thinks she lacks.

A jealous BITCH goes after your core so you won’t feel empowered to get back what was yours.

She will attempt to chip away at your EGO while she gaslights you and belittles everything you do to make you get on the level of insignificance that she feels.

All the while with a smile on her face and a knife behind her back.

A jealous BITCH is a bully — tho not all bullies are BITCHES.

Some bullies have EGOS like the LAMES and HOES that act out their own specific type of toxic resentment towards anyone who they perceive to be doing better than their sorry ass.

But I digress.

We will get more into the break down of female and male EGOS but I needed to address this important aspect of the BITCH EGO to warn you of the perils you will face if you keep a BITCH around you too long while you’re trying to level up.

I guarantee you if you keep a BITCH around you long enough that you will suffer on levels that only go down to the pits of the hell you will experience.

-to be continued-


TABITHA BLAIR is a code-switching Jamaican/Canadian SPIRITUAL ADVISOR/DREAM INTERPRETER/WRITER who was born n raised in Toronto, Canada.

If you would like to book a consultation for therapy, life advice, or dream interpretation — email me at the address below.




Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

Jamaican/Canadian SPIRITUAL ADVISOR/DREAM INTERPRETER/WRITER who was born n raised in Toronto, Canada. Email to book a consultation.