The Turning Point

How Society is Slowly Turning into a Dystopia

Neoklis Kapartzianis
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
4 min readJun 10, 2024


Photo by Simon Maage on Unsplash

It’s 2024, and our technologies have advanced beyond human comprehension. Presently, the world is slowly turning into a dystopia.

And that’s not because of the wars happening in the world, the famine, the diseases of the world.

It all has to do with one of the most fundamental parts of our human nature, one of the most fundamental parts of our human nature from our identities. One whose presence causes all good, but whose absence creates all evil.

That thing is human connections.

Protests are going off here and there for peace and equality among all genders and races. Back then, the technology was primitive, but everything was GREAT.

Why was that?

Well, the father’s wage could feed the whole family while the mother stayed home to watch the kids and do housework, the children went to school, and then when they were done, played with their friends till sunset.

Let’s compare that to modern day, where if a couple wants to survive, they have to take on two jobs each to pay for the house and barely have enough money to scrape by, not even thinking of the possibility of having children, as that would be too expensive.

Let’s compare housing prices from “back then” vs Now in correspondence to wages, in order to really capture how much the prices have changed.

taken from

Looking at the data above, it seems that the Home price-to-income ratio has been steadily increasing. Looking at more recent data, it’s safe to say that the median income compared to the average house price has grown to a staggering 1 to 6 ratio

On another point, while inflation has been making prices skyrocket, causing the cost of living to be increased, the wages haven’t risen to compensate.

But what does that have to do with people staying together?

If you have less money to work with, your reliance on your income stream is stronger than ever. Because of that, not only is it less likely for you to retaliate for better working conditions, health, and more money, but it will be far less likely for you to help people in need because you have nothing to give them.

Consequently, you are working for less money, in horrible working conditions, while the amount of free time you have left seems laughable.

And even then, your free time is manipulated in another way, by a system so effective, that it makes you addicted to wasting your time. That system is Social Media.

Social Media: The “Escape”

Picture Taken From a Thomas Jefferson High School article,Image provided by author

In this dystopia I have just described, where people barely seem to get by, people often tend to make an escape towards social media.

Now, the interesting thing about social media that makes it unique from ANY other form of communication we’ve had before is that everyone can see everyone’s life ( or what they portray their life to be) with the click of a button.

At a first glance this seems to be a perfect way for us humans to band together and face off against the elites to create a better world for all of us to enjoy, right?

The thing about social media, though, is that their whole point is to generate revenue.

And how do they do that? By making sure you stay on their platform for as long as possible,and consequently watch as many ads as possible.

This is further intensified by the fact that these platforms are powered by individuals who want to make a living from engaging content, who, in order to make a respectable amount of money, have to do exactly what the companies want.

This is nothing new, as the more engagement equals more money equation has existed since the start of human civilization. But the difference is, instead of sitting at home and enjoying TV, for instance, social media follows you EVERYWHERE.

You’re waiting for a doctor’s appointment; Watch some TikTok. Break at work? Watch some YouTube etc.

The problem with this approach, though, is that because watching stuff on these platforms rewards you with more instant pleasure than socializing and engaging with other individuals, it discourages human interaction, which isolates you even more.

The Aftermath

How to fight the disease

Photo by Harnoor dhaliwal on Unsplash

As long as we are busy working in our miserable jobs.

As long as your free time is sucked up by social media “entertainment”

As long as everybody cares for themselves and only for themselves and ONLY for themselves, because they have no other choice, society is going to collapse.

But Society can be rebuilt, and everything that is going wrong can become right.

human rights can be restored, peace and equality can be achieved.

But that only comes when people start working together. Because by working together against the oppressors, we are eventually going to overpower them.

If you start helping others, others will start helping you. If you give, you will receive and possibly inspire other people to give too. if you work towards a better future, not for yourself but for everyone, your own future will be better.

"After all, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives."



Neoklis Kapartzianis
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

I hate the state of modern society. I'm here to try and do something about it Twitter: