Dumbing It Down

They Say to Write at a Sixth Grade Level

Oh, I Can Do Better Than That

Jason Provencio
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
7 min readSep 28, 2022


I can write like I’m in the 3rd grade. Challenge accepted. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

I just got done reading an article by a well-known writer in the Medium community. With over 14,000 followers and well-written work, I was curious to see what his pinned article was all about. It mentioned gaining 25% more views if you write at a 6th-grade reading level.

It was certainly an interesting read. While I don’t doubt the truthfulness and accuracy of his article. I don’t think I could bring myself down to writing at a 6th-grade level. As much as I talk about wanting to really build my Medium following as quickly as possible, perhaps I should think it over.

That made me start to wonder how difficult it would be to actually accomplish this idea. And if writing at a 6th-grade level earned you 25% more views, would writing at a 3rd-grade level bring me 50% more views?

I have to know. It’s in my nature to be inquisitive and curious. I think I’ll write my autobiography to this point, but at a 3rd-grade level. I hope you enjoy it, tell me what you think after you read it. Thank you all! &:^)

My Biography, by Jason P.



Jason Provencio
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

Award-winning writer and wildlife photographer. Social Justice supporter, LGBTQ ally and Dad. Owner of Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs. &:^)