They Were Forced to Do What, Now?

Clean water is incredibly important, and life is that much harder without it

Sweet Honeylu
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs


Photo by Etty Fidele on Unsplash

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Utility companies have been given ten years to replace all their lead water pipes no matter the lead levels detected.

Fifteen billion federal dollars has been allocated for this endeavor, so customers shouldn’t see a huge increase in cost passed down to them.

Before I get started, I’d like to take the opportunity to thank the Biden administration for their fight to pass the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act also known as the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. Way to go, B, way to go👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽.

I don’t think Biden and Harris get enough credit for the cleanup project they’ve been involved in doing due to the lack of governance from the Right who have decided to vote against any all legislation designed to help make our lives better, but that seems to be their Modus Operandi.

I ran across an article title literally threw me out of my chair.

“Utilities forced to replace lead drinking water pipes under proposed EPA rules.”



Why would they need to be forced to deliver clean drinking water to people? Imagine you are the customer of the product you are making…. I mean…

Photo by Andres Siimon on Unsplash

I’m baffled at the lack of empathy.

If you can’t deliver clean and safe drinking water to customers, you should not get contracts with any city in any state of the Union. It’s just that simple.

You’re a water utility company. Your main job is to ensure that clean water is delivered to customers.

At least that’s what I thought.

Cast your mind pack to 2014 when the City of Flint Michigan changed their water supply from Lake Huron to the Flint River which led to corrosive water causing pipe leaching.

Turns out that this river was used by meat packing plant, paper and lumber mill corporations as well as car manufacturers as a disposal for harmful and corrosive chemicals not to mention agricultural water runoff.

Screenshot by author from Ground Water Governance

I can still remember videos on Facebook and YouTube of people running their faucets and showing brown colored water flowing out and then panning the camera back to their faces just to inform us that this is the water they have to cook, clean and shower with.

The abject horror.

Meanwhile, during the entire crises, the city government was getting pallets of bottled water the entire time. My anger burned with the fury of a thousand suns.

Afterwords, we got reports of people suffering from skin rash, hair loss and itchy skin as well as a plethora of illnesses related to lead poisoning.

I just remember a sickening feeling in my stomach.

A City employee flushed out a hydrant. Screenshot by author from CNN

Why was there no state of emergency declared? Why didn’t the federal government come in and take over to fix this? Why wasn’t the municipal government immediately locked up? How in the Hell could we let this happen?

As of the writing of this article, the water problem is getting fixed. It took ten years… TEN WHOLE FUCKING YEARS!!!

People were trapped in their homes.

They couldn’t sell them and move because no one would have wanted to move there.

I for one would not want to see anyone go through that horror again.

Thank you for reading🌺

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Further Reading:



Sweet Honeylu
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

I love writing stories and scathing commentary on daily events. Snark is my love language. Will snark for food.