Travel Tips for the Weary and Anxious

Tell your brain to hush now

Melissa Steussy
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs


Photo by Timo Stern on Unsplash

I flew for the first time at 16 alone. I was heading to Salt Lake City to see my boyfriend who had moved there. This was back when we called to book a flight or went directly to the airline to make our reservations. I saved up the money from my job at Living Well Lady and the excitement kept me from feeling many nerves.

I was in love.

When we are young we don’t really think about what can go wrong. We are invincible it seems. I had no thoughts about getting on the wrong flight, not getting picked up, or losing my luggage, and this was before cell phones.

I remember a nice couple sitting next to me on the flight and they even gave me their window seat.

I flew alone to see him a few more times and took one more trip to California with a friend my senior year and then didn’t travel again for quite a few years.

Something happened when I got sober at 21 and had a baby. My anxiety got worse for sure. Money got tight and fear overtook a lot of my life.

I went on smaller trips, but something about the planning and thought of being gone and anticipating what could go wrong was stealing the excitement I once felt for traveling. I had high hopes to see the world, but was never going to get the…



Melissa Steussy
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

26 years sober, health nut, supplement junkie, and all-around fantastic gal. Wrote a book called, Let Your Privates Breathe-Breaking the Cycle of Addiction....