Trump and Lincoln Present In Seville

The difference in the motives for the presence of both leaders in the Andalusian capital

Roger Brea
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
3 min readJul 12, 2023


Photo by Iván Molina Mas on Unsplash

Before the imminent celebration of the general elections on July 23 for the presidency of the Government of Spain, the Popular Party (center-right political party) in its political campaign is being inspired by Donald Trump’s slogan MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.

That’s how nice the twin slogan has turned out to be: MAKE SEVILLE, GREAT AGAIN. Meanwhile, some peculiar Ford Lincoln cars roll the streets of the beautiful city and the Lincoln English Academy prepares Sevillians to open doors in the whole world.

The machinery of the diverse opinions of the citizens of Seville about the general elections of 23-J has been put into operation at once. Quite a few of those who looked favorably on the inspired campaign of the Popular Party have had no qualms about parading through the city wearing blue Trump-like caps with the printed slogan MAKE SEVILLE, GREAT AGAIN without forgetting at the same time to sing in chorus the same slogan as it is written: “Make Seville, great again”.

When the procession passed by I stopped for a moment in a corner because I had gone to buy a loaf of bread to eat with a tapa of meatballs when I heard these voices to which they added “And so proud” I did not know what to think of that soccer team.

Finally, I had to laugh a little but not much when a citizen half hidden behind a tree raised his voice to say with Sevillian jest “English was not your thing” while another man next to him laughed more than me but tried to hide his laughter behind his hand. Maybe he was missing a tooth or two, I thought.

Some hour later when I had eaten my lunch with the great “tapa” of meatballs with tomato that my good wife prepared for me with incomparable art, I went to my room to take a good nap as every neighbor son in Seville is used to do. (Doctors assure that a daily replenishing nap of 20 to 30 minutes is enough. My daily naps, just in case, are about an hour and a half).

With my belly full and my eyes closed, the brief restful sleep did not visit me and suddenly my mind jumped to that short phrase I had heard a few hours ago from that man half hidden behind a tree: “English was not your thing”. The phrase already seemed strange to me when, on my way to buy a loaf of bread, I stopped at the corner and heard it from that joker or opponent.

English was not your thing, I reflected lying on my bed and the meatballs with tomato sauce sometimes raised a nice little noise because it was doing its digestive work. And I pondered: “English was not your thing” was a grammatically incorrect and not very understandable sentence.

Later, an opposing comment on Twitter regarding the inspired campaign of the Popular Party clarified the issue for me. The tweeter resorted to the saying “time puts everyone in their place” to criticize that the Popular Party had long claimed not to be a “Trumpist” political party. Of course, now he explained to me the phrase “English was not your thing” without a shadow of a doubt.

It was an ironic phrase that came to say the same thing as the tuitero’s comment but in a more masterful way. But it was exactly the same: time had put the Popular Party in its place because being always “Trumpist” they had denied it, demonstrating however with the campaign MAKE SEVILLE, GREAT AGAIN inspired by the slogan of Trump’s campaign MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN the Popular Party is “Trumpist” to the core. That is a nationalist party.

Synonyms for the word Nationalist: patriot, regionalist, traditionalist, separatist, chauvinist, xenophobe, jingoist, bigot.

Antonyms of the word Nationalist: independence, freedom (only two are enough).

Trumpism” would bring neither independence nor freedom to Seville. On the contrary, the peculiar Ford Lincoln cars and the Lincoln English Academy obviously do provide the Sevillian citizen with independence and freedom. Thus ended my reflection on this recent afternoon siesta. Nothing to do Trump and Lincoln.



Roger Brea
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

An atypical Andalusian Generation X who is passionate about humor writing.