Trump’s Top Ten Concepts of a Plan
The art of gaslighting
In last night’s presidential debate, Donald Trump implied that he had the very beginnings of a concept of a health care plan. This was in response to a question on why he settled for his enemy’s health care plan, Obamacare, for the four years he served in the Oval Office.
Four years later, his vision is still in its very early foetal stage. To quote the old cock-teaser himself, he said:
“But if we come up with something, I would only change it if we come up with something that is better and less expensive. And there are concepts and options we have to do that. And you will be hearing about it in the not too distant future.”
Key words: if, only, concepts, options, not too distant future. This is truly the art of gaslighting.
Now let me present to you Trump’s top ten clues, concepts, concepts of concepts, and concepts of concepts of a plan in the not too distant future: