Unraveling the Truth of a Case (Pt.2)

Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
6 min readJan 30, 2024

Just after days, the first video was released about Hina claiming Pierogi was sexually harassing her, there is another video about a YouTuber debunking the truth behind the ‘sexting’ between Pierogi and Hina.

First, I would like to say thank you to the YouTuber who analyzed the video in detail. It means a lot to everyone who supports Pierogi and to Pierogi himself as well. If anyone hasn’t watched the video published by the YouTuber Savannah Marie, you should all check it out in my previous post here.

Basically, the video (by Savannah) is saying Hina blames Pierogi for everything when it’s not true because all she wants is attention. What actually happened Pierogi is an alcoholic and Hina created a Discord server for herself and Pierogi, so that they could ‘have fun’ doing things together. Remember, she is the one who initiated the whole conversation with him just to get attention. No external force was given by him. She decided everything by herself. She intended to set it up because she had an ‘obsession’ with him and again, she needed that attention.

When Pierogi asked her to do stuff together, she seemed like she enjoyed the fun when she said she was feeling uncomfortable doing things with him in the video. Again, no one forced her to be in the server. She was the only one who started it. Otherwise, she could have left the server. But in this case, she refused to leave and insisted on staying in the chat and continued to do things with him. This has been proven yet again that she had an obsession with Pierogi.

The whole situation just makes me sick. Falsely claiming Pierogi that he was sexually harassing Hina by sexting him is totally unacceptable. Other than that, Hina called him ‘friend’?? That is definitely more than friends. Friends is not like how she treated him. Friends are when “one has a bond of mutual affection, typically one exclusive of sexual or family relations.”, according to the Oxford Dictionary. The way she treated him was way beyond friends.

Yes, chatting normally is fine but the sudden question of exposing him and this whole friend sexting? I just can’t accept it. Also, in this chat, Hina called him ‘Daddy’. What is this? Is this some kind of sexual relationship that was going on there? I totally agree with EG Lately. One minute they were ‘sexting’, the next minute Hina was telling him that she was at the hospital. There is a lot of drama going on.

Source: Screenshot from the Youtube video
Source: Screenshot from X | Conversation from Discord

Hina had made him an alcoholic person as well just because of that. He had gone through so much with her to the point that he couldn’t resist the thirst to drink alcohol. This doesn’t make him a bad person because we’re all human beings and human beings do make mistakes. This is understandable and Pierogi might have done something wrong unintentionally but he gets a second chance to live and correct his wrongdoing in order to change his life.

Hina is bringing this out now to try and make out that she is a victim, but in fact, she is just an attention seeker.

Twitter post by Hina

She obviously wants the whole world to listen to her pinpointing Pierogi. But what is she gaining here apart from attention? I really don’t see a point of her speaking up ‘the truth’ when she was just trying to fabricate the whole thing. After all, she doesn’t get a stand here. Being a woman doesn’t mean she can abuse her power and do whatever she wants.

Hina and Pierogi are adults as well and they should know what they’re doing. Hina had crossed the line of being a friend and Pierogi was just a good man but with a mistake. Yes, he is married but what’s done is done and he can’t change it. All he can do is learn from the mistake and not repeat it.

At the end of the day, Savannah was just using Hina as a ‘victim’ to defame him. Everything she said is pinpointing Pierogi and it makes it look like Hina is the innocent girl here. Hina and Savannah were just fabricating everything they said about all the drama Hina had with him. (The chat is included in the video and you can all check it out)

One thing I found strange is Pierogi started messaging Hina on Discord in April last year. The reason why he had to message her is because he had to ask her about work-related stuff. But Hina suddenly gave him Nitro as a gift which isn’t normal.

Source: X | Screenshot of Conversation between Pierogi and Hina

Think about this, Pierogi was the employer and Hina was the employee. Why would Hina give Nitro to him when they were colleagues? This isn’t normal at all. This can only mean one thing, Hina is attracted to Pierogi and she wants attention from him.

In Savannah’s video, she said that no one has a similar case as Hina hinting that there might be. I mean how does she know there is no one having a similar issue as her? Is there any evidence to back it up? Besides, Hina said in the chat that she “needs more money and that she has to find a job that pays more”, this means that she doesn’t have much money. Then, how could she join his Discord server in the first place as well as subscribe to his Patreon? Things just don’t add up.

Source: Screenshot from X| Discord conversation between H and P

Moving forward, Hina said in the video “I’ve been telling him I’m into scamming too”. The truth is that Pierogi is not the person who is interested in scamming and he didn’t do any of those at all. This is just Hina getting attention from him and trying to create an image about her attracted to him.

To be honest, I rarely used X but because of this issue, I cannot resist the temptation to follow all the news. This happened just two days ago and there are already lots of debate and drama going on on Discord, Reddit, Youtube, and all other social platforms. I understand different people think differently and not everyone has the same thought but they have to be fair with everyone else. Some people are really objective and only make judgement based on one side and never listen to the other side of the story. Other people are willing to listen to both sides of the story and make comment depends on what they think. For me, I’m willing to listen to both sides of the story. However, since Pierogi needs some time to take a break, we have to wait for him to return and let him decide if he wants to speak up.

One thing I’m not getting is about the freedom of speech in the US. As the post below mentioned, we aren’t allowed to talk about stuff related to Pierogi or the videos. If anyone talks about it, the messages will get deleted. I’m not from the US and I don’t live in the US either, I thought America is a country where you can talk about pretty much about everything but this, I don’t understand.

Source: Screenshot form X | X Post by Savannah Marie

Lastly, here is the message from Mrs Pierogi:

I wish Pierogi the best and speedy recovery. My heart all go to Mrs P and his family.



Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

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