Achieving goals

Use Your Senses and Reach Your Goals

Your five senses are essential for achieving your dreams

Ella de Jong
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
2 min readMay 23, 2023


Your five senses, it’s all you need. Photo by Eunice De Guzman on Unsplash

How hard can it be? Stop the tiresome thinking that keeps you in the dark, nowhere near your dream goal.

I’ve tried this, used it in my popular e-book as a metaphor and now I’ll tell you in super-short here:

Push yourself and see the light, at least a crack of light, while







The visualization of your dream. I’ve used the metaphor of a dinner for your dream. As in a dinner, you’re going to make for your friends. You know exactly what you want to make, how it looks, and how it would taste. Look at your dream in various facets. What exactly do you want?


Listen to yourself while you talk about the skills you need AND when you’ve shown to have them (could be years ago). Making dinner means you’ll have organizing skills, cutting skills, and more. Mention your skills for…



Ella de Jong
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

Simple, passionate words about soft skills. Be uplifting at home, work, and school ✤ author - teacher - trainer - coach and Dutch mom💚