From autonomous cars to interplanetary exploration, artificial intelligence is revolutionizing

What Does The Rise Of Artificial Intelligence Mean For Our Future?

A Closer Look at How AI & Machine Learning are Changing the Human Race and Our Planet

Robin Ghosh
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs


A robot looking at a screen — Who am I?
Image by geralt of pixabay

After reading Reza Kalantar’s thought-provoking article regarding the potential future of our world in 100 years, I was inspired to ask an AI what it predicts for us within a more manageable timeframe.

So, out of interest and intrigue, I asked my free online AI about its prediction for our planet 25 years from now — that way, most people alive today could experience this extraordinary vision come true.

A quarter of a century is long, and it’s hard to predict what will happen worldwide.

But AI can predict the future for healthcare, transportation, weaponry and education.

Harnessing Renewable Energy and Improving Efficiencies for a Cleaner, Greener Future

In 25 years, energy consumption will likely look different than todays.

By harnessing the power of renewable energy sources, storing and distributing without wastage, we can reduce dependence on fossil fuels while boosting clean energy production.

Renewable energy will provide our electricity needs, and transportation will rely less on oil.

We can expect new technologies to use less energy and be better at using the energy we do have.

Whatever the case, 25 years from now is sure to be an exciting time for how we use energy.

The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human would take on its own, and re-design itself at an ever increasing rate. Humans, who are limited by slow biological evolution, couldn’t compete and would be superseded — Stephen Hawking

Future of Transportation: Automation, AI, and Smart Cities.

Automation and AI will revolutionize the transport industry, with driverless cars dominating roads. And autonomous ships crossing oceans.

Also, electric planes move passengers across continents in a matter of hours.

Smart cities will be self-sufficient with clean public transport networks, affordable for all.

Furthermore, more countries will have magnetically levitating trains, which means faster commuting times.

The result of these developments is making travelling accessible while reducing the environmental impact on the planet.

Future Trends in AI Weapons in the Military

Future militaries worldwide will use advanced autonomous weapons powered by artificial intelligence algorithms.

For example, drones with facial recognition could become commonplace. It will be for remote surveillance and targeted attacks without risking human lives.

Also, unmanned ground vehicles with sensors can replace specific roles humans fill.

In addition, smart missiles can detect and destroy targets with minimal collateral damage.

In fact, robots equipped with advanced AI algorithms can do combat alongside troops.

Such robots would have cognitive skills, including planning and self-protection. All scary stuff!

Ultimately, these robot soldiers will perform tasks faster than humans with greater accuracy.

In future, robot technology will be intelligent to provide enemy movements and suggest decisions in real-time.

Furthermore, enhanced cybersecurity measures will protect advanced weapons from malicious foreign powers who might exploit them for their purposes.

Research future AI involvement in the healthcare industry

AI technologies, such as computer vision and natural language processing, will help doctors diagnose diseases quickly and accurately.

Also, by analyzing large amounts of data from patient records, AI can identify correlations between a given condition and other known factors, enabling physicians to make informed decisions when treating patients.

Of course, Al Diagnostics can reduce the time for lab tests and provide real-time monitoring. This is useful for early detection and intervention in emergencies.

In fact, automated robots will do complex surgical procedures with precision, replacing doctors.

AI-driven health systems can predict epidemics before they occur based on trends and indicators collected from populations around the world.

This would give governments time to prepare preventative measures to stop or ease the spread of disease before it gets out of hand.

A women’s head with artificial intelligence
Image by Geralt from Pixabay

Automate some administration tasks, grading assignments and tracking

In 25 years, AI will likely have a significant impact on the education sector.

AI systems can help personalize learning by creating lessons tailored to student needs.

AI-based educational solutions can offer students immediate real-time feedback by integrating advanced natural language processing and machine learning technology.

Besides helping students get personalized content, it delivers faster grading results.

By far, the greatest danger of Artificial Intelligence is that people conclude too early that they understand it — Eliezer Yudkowsky

My thoughts

Although AI technology has made tremendous strides in recent years, humans will always remain superior due to our flexibility and creativity.

Moreover, AI systems rely on vast datasets built by teams of human experts. This means without the input of skilled researchers; there is a limit to their existing capabilities.

In years to come, AI will develop new algorithms. Or will it learn from its surroundings like humans?

However, AI requires advancement in hardware and software before it’s a reality. Both of these are in human control for now.

So while AI makes our lives more efficient and better, will it replace all humans one day?

What are your thoughts?

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Robin Ghosh
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

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