What Goes Around, Comes Around

Philip Ebuluofor
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
3 min readJan 15, 2024
Photo by Justin Veenema on Unsplash

How people tackle questions or orders given to them depends on how they understand the questions directed at them.

The work should be more about how the question is framed than how it’s answered. At times, it’s a kind of garbage in, garbage out thing. At some other times, it’s how intelligent the answerer is with the subject in question. Man can only give what he has, not what he doesn’t have, right? Making sure that the question is well-framed matters a lot.

Making sure that the right questions are directed to the right people matters a lot. You can’t direct wrong questions to the right people and vice versa and expect correct feedback when you are playing games against yourself. What some view as a serious issue can be a perfect game item for others. Seriousness is in the mind, heart, and routine of the persons involved. Some of us are too good at interpreting people’s intended actions, while some are good at pretending to be confused while shifting their shit to others or getting hundreds involved in what is not their concern.

Some of us in the 21st century seem to fit in perfectly well with their kind in first-century Israel when the holy book was put together. They dug holes, set traps, and used others as excuses to move their concerns The thing is that they end up validating through their acts what their mouths are fighting against. The sequel always ends in favor of the holy book. No one can give what he doesn’t have. Some are truly specialist in pointing fingers and then sitting back to see how their little manipulation pans out.

If you shift your headache to another person and expect them to settle your shit for you from there, you would find out that you are setting yourself up for a fall. Mighty one. Once you are in, getting out discreetly doesn’t work out as anticipated. What goes around as the saying goes comes around. You see, truth is like a lion. It’s not a racial animal or tribal one. Truth doesn’t need any uniform to perform, it has a natural one. What it only needs from you is space.

Set it free and it can defend itself anywhere on any turf as Saint Augustine stated. The problem with some of us is that we want to eat our cake and have it. But only kids can eat their cake and expect to have it and sometimes they succeed in having it by crying, rolling, and throwing tantrums here and there. But adults expecting such luck is a sign she doesn’t understand the laws of nature and physics. What goes up always comes down even in cursed economies, prices, and bad governance have fixed expiry dates, even if they are temporary.

Don’t set fire to leaves carelessly or otherwise and expect not to be burnt no matter the precautions you took afterwards nature has this way of settling scores. Never roll a stone on a hill, it will be right back for you, more still, rolling stones gather no moss. If you have problems, state them clearly with the right intentions not trying to be smart, or having evil intentions in mind. Going from A to arrive at B at times derails without achieving the set goal.

Many people I have known for four years now at times end up outsmarting themselves and not other people. No one is in this world to carry anyone’s rubbish especially when your quest, your connections, your affiliate, or your smartness took the better part of their lives heaping up that rubbish. Homing pigeons have this unique way of finding their way home. Be Wise. This new year, be wise in a stupid way if that would lead you to your set targets.

What has it profited you all these tears you have been smart in an earthly way?- nothing, right? Then do the opposite of all you have been doing for years and see things for yourself.

Always state your problems in the right order, well-coordinated, and stated, only then do you claim to understand your problem and how you want to handle it.



Philip Ebuluofor
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

Philip, is a freelancer, blogger, and short story writer. His skills includes: writing, reading, listening, creative and administrative. get him philipainox2@