Journal #3

What the Actual F*ck?

The blog was useless, so why is it so well-performing?

Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs


Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

Not long ago, I started this little Medium Journal series.

I was having a lot of fun with it, and then my procrastinated AP World History homework came to bite me in the ass.

Anyway, I came back to write one of my silly little blogs and decided to check my stats to see how much they’ve fallen after I stopped posting (not in a worried way; I actually think it’s quite funny to see the dramatic declines after I stop posting for a bit).

And, uhm…

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It’s great to see my blog, one of the journal thingies at that, perform so well! I wanted to know why and clicked on it to see the more specific analytics.

136 of the views were external.

The Good Thing™️:

I apparently succeeded (somewhat) at SEO!

The Weird Thing™️:

The entire thing is about how confusing I find sports and how much I want to watch The Puppy Bowl in place of The Super Bowl. (Which I did. It was great.)

For the most part, it was needless rambling about what I love and hate about Super Bowl Sunday. I could see how some of the sentences I used could’ve been specific for anyone doing research on Rhianna’s halftime show, the comedic commercials, Animal Planet, or America’s overly-competitive football fans, but I didn’t think they were that good.

Now here’s where it gets weird.

I thought it was already strange enough that one of my blogs which was the Medium equivalent of a Tumblr shitpost was so well-performing. Then, five minutes ago, literally, as I was writing this, I did the simple act of scrolling down on the analytics page.


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I know there was recently a BBB Discord created, but I checked, and there was nothing about this blog on it.



I am rendered speechless. Maybe that’s why I’m writing instead of speaking these thoughts.

If anyone understands why someone thought this was share-worthy, or why it reached over a hundred people, I would love to hear.

Now, don’t get me wrong — I’m not complaining. Not in the least! I just think this is a nice little mystery to write about. I’m incredibly curious about those hundred views.

Anyways, today’s blog was short, but don’t worry — I’ve got plenty to write about in the days ahead! Shit’s getting intense. Prepare for several climate change ramblings!

Thank you for your time!



Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

I’m a young writer here to improve my skills and support the community | Still trying to find my "writer's voice", but having fun along the way