When Blame Gets Passed Around Like a Joint
Everybody must get stoned
A Yahoo News headline just jumped out at me this morning that read “voters” blamed Biden and Harris for inflation, so voted for Trump.
Well, hell if you’re gonna blame them for something it might as well be something big, right?
But at the same time, how about we all do our bloody homework before we point fingers at the most visible couple in the world?
Before we look at that flat tire in our driveway and then up to God and ask him — why this morning, I’ll be late for work?
It’s not always his fault. Maybe it’s just the damn nail you picked up at your construction site.
Inflation was caused by the Pandemic and the efforts to support the economy — and all of us — during and after it. And this started on Trump’s watch and continued through 2021–2023.
But I understand voters not knowing this.
Because a complete lack of understanding of any given subject ALWAYS follows a complete lack of effort in researching it.
If you don’t look for it, you won’t find it.
If you just read that flyer that your neighbor slipped into your mailbox that “explains it all” then it’s on you, if you’re confused.