When Racism Isn’t Racism Or The New Insanity Defense

Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
2 min readApr 10, 2023


Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

The threat to representative government that appeared in Tennessee is the latest example of how conservatives try to explain how “Racism Isn’t Really Racism.” This is the new version of the Insanity Defense that they constantly rail against.

When three Tennessee Democratic State representatives protested against the Republican majority’s refusal to act on gun violence, the Republicans sought to expel the legally elected representatives from the House. While this punishment is provided for by law in Tennessee, there are examples of members who have committed actual crimes and were not expelled.

When the dust had settled, and all the votes had been taken, to no one’s surprise, the two Black Democrats were expelled but the white female Democrat was not. The Republicans instantly declared that this was not a racial thing when it quite clearly was.

Apparently, in the twisted minds of Republicans, one gas only to say that Racism isn't Racism and that makes it true. I’m not surprised that Republicans think like this. After all, they say “If we had more guns, there wouldn’t be so many mass shootings.” We all see every day how well that logic works. Republicans also claim that Thoughts and Prayers will stop mass shootings. Hallelujah! Oh, wait. That didn’t work either.

Republicans keep demonstrating that they hate representative government unless they are the only ones represented. Republicans keep demonstrating that they hate people who don’t look and act exactly like they do because Republicans believe in the individuals the freedom to behave like good little Nazis and to never stray from the directed path.

Republicans are a clear and present danger to the very existence of this country as it has existed for the last 247 years, or 236, whatever.



Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

Kindness junkie. Nearly 60. Disabled. Gay male in LTR of more than 20 years. Sci-fi junkie. Fierce friend. https://www.dreamersreadyroom.com