When Your Best Friend is No Longer the Best Thing for You

Becoming a better person means losing someone along the way

Matteo Licata
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs


We first met in 2010, but we really started to get close in 2017, when he came to Barcelona from Italy to join the firm I had been working for since 2013.

His bluster and outspoken character put off some people, but not me.

We enjoyed each other’s company, and I could see that there was a kind, sincere, and generous person behind his sometimes aggressive facade.

Moreover, at the time, we were both single men in a big city offering plenty of options for those looking for a good time.

Which we exploited to the fullest.

Barcelona Skyline
Photo by Jo Kassis: https://www.pexels.com/photo/city-skyline-5005656/

Then, when I was unceremoniously fired the evening before my birthday, he was there for me.

The only person who did, among the few that could.

What followed was a period of yet more excess, fueled by my broken self-esteem. Then we returned to our hometown in Italy, where we remained best buddies… Until I had enough.



Matteo Licata
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

I’ve been obsessed with cars for as long as I remember and, after working in automobile design for a decade, now I’m a lecturer, a published author, a YouTuber