Where There is Desire, There is World

Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
2 min readOct 9, 2023
Ashtavakra: The sage with eight deformities

I was reading Ashtavakra Gita today ( Ashtavakra Gita’ is one of the advaitic masterpieces). There was a line, 'Where there is desire, there is a world’, that led me to think. I realized we create so many worlds around us just by this desire.

For example, I desire to earn a certain amount of income and use this desire to create a world around me. I put all my efforts into earning it, I compromise my health, sleep, and start getting angry at the slightest touch to my ego.

Finally, I may reach or not reach my goal, that’s a different thing, but God forbids me from doing so, as it will lead to another cycle of suffering. Similarly, I desire to be a top writer. This desire will itself make me happy or unhappy.

Photo by Christian Lue on Unsplash

You see, this desire is controlling me and playing with me.
On the other hand, if there is no desire not even a thought of desire, I can earn any amount of money and still be happy. As I didn’t desire anything, whatever I earn will be grace.

I will not lose my health, will not lose sleep, and will always be at peace with everything around me. I understand people always talk about setting goals and achieving them, but what are the goals? They are desires. Goals are something that one intends to achieve in the future, which itself is uncertain.

Just think when you were a kid, you didn’t have any desires or goals, but you were so happy and blissful. Let’s go back to that childhood when we didn’t take life and death seriously.

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

There is an existence that takes care of you all the time, and it works in an impeccable way. Your judgment is not as wise as its. Why are you desiring things and people and creating unnecessary bonds or walls around yourself?

Let yourself be free. You are going to leave this body one day. What death will take away, you give it yourself and become free. (By this I mean desire and attachments). A universe is served to you on your plate as food, what else do you want?

