Racism | Politics | Activism

White Savior Complex and Social Justice Activism

There are nuances I still struggle to fully unpack

Sam W.
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
6 min readJul 11, 2023


Simple black graffiti displaying the slogan: “Black Lives Matter!”
Should be a no-brainer, I don’t understand why we’re arguing about it. Photo by Simon Daoudi on Unsplash

My regular readers know that I’m a loudmouth when it comes to my opinions on politics and human rights. And yes — I make a distinction between those topics.

I’m not ashamed of my beliefs and I am not going to be silent on them. I get especially fired up by witnessing injustice in the world, just like any other empathetic human being would.

As a result, I tend to spout off at the mouth off the cuff and rant regularly about the nature of systemic oppression and racial inequality here in North America.

Usually, I get a mixed bag of responses.

Lots of support and agreement, which is always fantastic. It’s nice to know that I’m not the only one with the will to speak out on these issues.

And of course, I get my fair share of hate. I get everything from outright insults to accusations of virtue signaling and of ‘just trying to make white people feel guilty’. Considering that I am a white woman myself, I find that one especially amusing.

Recently though, I did get a comment that stopped me up short. I was accused of having a white savior complex.



Sam W.
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

9x Top Writer. Opinion pieces about human rights and activism. Enjoying my work? I also host a weekly newsletter and biweekly podcast at World-Weary.com.