Why Can Israel Do This, But Turkey Cannot?

Richard Volaar
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
2 min readNov 11, 2023
Photo by Taylor Brandon on Unsplash

African American and Democratic Mayor of New York City, Eric Adams has just had his communications equipment seized by the FBI. The search warrant is associated with campaign contributions that have been sourced to the government of Turkey.

The suddenness of the seizures caused Adams to cancel his meeting with the Whitehouse regarding the delightful and illegal exportation of immigrants from Texas and Florida into NYC, a political stunt on the part of these Republican governors. This political, unethical and probably illegal stunt is financially crippling NYC and the mayor is obviously seeking relief. No FBI or DHS investigations against these two governors or their staff have been planned.

The State Department is keen to emphasize that our key NATO ally, Turkey, has been found to be both a dictatorship and guilty of a number of human rights violations.

This is in contrast with the State of Israel, which is also an alleged ally of the United States and hasn’t been found to be guilty of any human rights violations, ever. Accused, certainly, but never held to account. To be fair, neither has Turkey, but no other state in the world enjoys the level and kind of relationship with the US that Israel has.

I am not advocating or greenlighting any of the anti-Jewish behavior that is on the rise, globally and nationally and is unmistakably vicious and demeaning to Jews of every stripe regardless of their status relative to Israel.

But if Israel can donate and participate in our elections and even our law enforcement processes, why are we reclining Turkey?

Or, as I suspect, why is the FBI redlining traditional Democrats and not the Republicans who continue to engage in democratically destructive, white nationalist behavior? This as the twice impeached and 4 time indicted former Republican President continues to circle the drain because of his illegal, unethical and immoral behavior while President. And even before.

Perhaps the FBI should be investigated for its dubious ties with the Clinton Foundation instead of engaging in unfair and nakedly political investigations against relatively more honest public servants?




Richard Volaar
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

I've won a couple of minor awards, my second being a speech I wrote for the VFW about why I care about America. It won and I made 25 bucks. Now I'm in IT.