Why Contentment Is the Key To Lasting Happiness
One of the greatest gifts you can give yourself is feeling happy with what you have
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It took me a long time to be content with what I have in life. When I was younger, I always seemed to be searching for something more. I’m not sure what exactly I was looking for, but I knew I hadn’t found it.
The turnaround came when I realized that as long as I was searching, I would never be content. It was then time to take stock of what I had and decide if I could be content.
I also had to accept that what I wasn’t content with, I needed to get rid of because it wasn’t making me happy. As a result, I started asking myself what made me feel content.
It turns out that what makes me feel content is having friends who are supportive and caring, a job I like doing every day, having a comfortable home, and being proud of my accomplishments.
It’s Not About Things!
It’s difficult to be content in a materialistic culture where comparison is the standard.
Learning to be content with whatever you have is the most effective method to…