Why I Always Fail To Learn From My Mistakes

The struggles, breaks, and comebacks in the world of creativity

Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
3 min readDec 4, 2023


Photo by Santa Barbara on Unsplash

Researching is my favourite activity, a source of new perspectives and knowledge.

It seems you resonate with that too.

But surprisingly, I was totally unaware of the fact that it would greatly affect my writing habits. Well, let me tell you, I love to write long-sized articles which I believe offers high-quality information and knowledge.

On the other hand, I also like to read well–detailed articles.

But you might wonder, what sort of problem I would have faced with a simple job of just researching facts and info.

Well, the challenge lies in how you present your well-researched article to your readers. In simple words — The Format.

Yup, I was so dumb this time that without deciding the title, subtitle, and the message I wanted to convey through my article, I jumped into my medium editor with a blank mind, typing away until my creativity crashed, and I came to know that I haven’t even developed a format.

During that time, my mind was versing between 2 thoughts —

  • To write whatever came into my mind without keeping the reader’s point of view
  • The other one was to make a structural format that aligns with the blogging rules.

I remember making this type of mistake before and it usually happens when we suddenly stop ourselves from doing any sort of consistent work.

In my case, it was writing

I had created a good habit of consistent writing in September where I racked up over 2000 views within 1 month.

But after 1 month’s break (as I took a short trip to Nepal) I lost track of my daily habit and my mindset fell into the deep voids of procrastination.

My mind was always finding ways to remain inside its comfort zone.

But anyhow I managed to stretch it out of that void and now I’m back to the game again.

Oh! I forgot to mention about if I was successful in publishing that article or not.

Well, the answer lies below

I want to conclude that

We always have to push ourselves out of our cozy comfort zones, lingering there will only turn our minds into sloths, breeding negativity that greatly sabotages us from finding out what we are actually capable of.

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Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

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