Why I Found Sporty Girls Obnoxious & How I Am Now as Badass as Them

5 Reasons My Soul Fell in Love With Running

Zarine Swamy
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
4 min readSep 14, 2023


Finally I have my own sporty girls pic. Running with the crew. PC: My coach
Today is a bright day, the kind that gets sporty girls out & about.

Truth be told, I loathed sports & sporty girls as a child

Maybe I’ve secretly envied but openly despised girls who were comfortable being sweaty & aggressive.

I was small as a child. I looked like I didn’t belong on a sports field. Sporty girls found it easy to push me around or push me out of the way. Also, my childhood was unhappy. I didn’t get to do enough of what the other kids did, one of which was sports.

I was among the first few to be hit by the ball in a game of ‘dodge ball’. The most likely reason with a coach is why I ‘shouldn’t’ be running the school grounds during ‘drill hour’. I loathed being sporty so much that I made it a hobby of “forgetting” my running shorts at home.

Have you been classified as a loser because you were a spaced-out kid who didn’t belong? That was me & if it was you too, you can possibly know what I am talking about. I flinched every time a ball came my way. Yeah, I was that cowardly or so I thought so often that it soon became my reality.

But I gave my heart to running at 40. I acknowledge it can be difficult to learn something new, let alone allow it to consume you with growing years.

Then why did I embrace running in middle age?

It started with me wanting to tackle my waistline. I had no idea what it meant to be a runner, so I dived into it unprepared. In hindsight maybe that worked. Sleepy mornings, exhaustion-filled days & nasty falls later I came to like the high of running. Now not a day goes by when I don’t clock in the miles.

Here’s why my soul fell in love with a good run. It could be maybe why people who weren’t sporty as kids have become runners in middle age.

An angst that sporty girls wouldn’t know

As a child, I was a ‘good girl’ who wouldn’t do anything that got me dirty, sweaty, or bruisy. Sports couldn’t make the cut obviously.

But deep down I had the desire to be sporty. We all have. Humans are meant to run around, jump & climb. It’s just that our imperfect human condition makes physical challenges seem daunting.

As we advance in years we are sadly knocked about by life. I feel this makes our spirit long for an adrenalin rush, a sense of winning. Running supplies that high easily enough because they come naturally to us unlike say holding a tennis racquet which requires technique.

It is a great way to start a morning

I’m not sure about ‘morning routines.’ For me, it is about getting the space to do more in the day. I wake up early for my run which means I can start my writing day early. I sleep better too.

It has given me attitude & self-compassion

The reason I disliked sporty girls was because they were unkind to me. Running has helped me get the obvious killer attitude, by pushing me to achieve crazy goals. But I think the self-compassion bit has been underplayed by sports brands because it doesn’t sell.

I am learning how to give myself compassion on the bad days. As a now medal-winning runner, I know superstar sportspeople don’t flog themselves to perform when the chips are down. They show themselves compassion. Self-compassion helps me perform better.

The high of achievement

I am a freelance writer, so I draw a parallel between running & freelance writing. Both give me the high of a quick & big result. Achieving mileage & pace goals gives me the same high as bagging a well-paying freelance client. Along with the courage to aim higher.

Sporty girls have more friends

As a parent, my life tends to revolve around my child. My friends are other parents. Running gave me a new set of adult friends who have nothing to do with child-rearing, school assignments, or weekend soccer sessions. I think running can give you a sense of self when you badly need one.

If you are one of those who disliked sports as a kid, middle age could be your chance. Your life could become exciting with morning runs, post-run breakfasts, marathons & celebration beer.

I am a freelance writer who blogs for the health & fitness segment. To hire me visit my writer website.



Zarine Swamy
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

Freelance writer for life coaches, authors & mental health experts who writes about the human journey. My freelance writing website: https://ethicalbadass.com/