Why I’m the Real Deadpool Even Though Ryan Reynolds Played Him

If life imitates art, there’s a reason I love Deadpool. The unstoppable merc with a mouth can’t die no matter how hard he tries. We have a lot in common!

Jason Morton
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs


Image by pablo benitez from Pixabay

Deadpool is raking it in at the theaters at nearly 600 million dollars and counting. There’s probably a reason I enjoy Deadpool so much. We’ve got a lot in common.

In the first Deadpool, Wade Wilson is diagnosed with cancer. He doesn’t know he’s sick until he sees a doctor. By the time he does, he’s royally screwed.

That was me in February and March. Completely and royally screwed. I was better than Wade Wilson. It didn’t hit my brain. Still, Stage IV with an extensive spread meant that the doctor’s expectation was I’d be dead in a couple of years or less.

Wait a minute! We have other things in common!

First of all, I’m a sexy beast! LOL!

Seriously, much like Wade Wilson, I’ve had that experience where someone tried to kill me and proved I’m hard to kill. That’s not to say it’s impossible. It’s just not easy. Of course, I’ve never been torn in half or blown into dozens of pieces the way old Deadpool has. If I ever return from either, I better buy lottery…



Jason Morton
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

Currently, I'm a telecom tech, a grandfather, and fighting cancer. I enjoy writing and sharing opinions. I stumbled into some knowledge along my journey.