Why Saying Sorry Isn’t Good Enough

Apologies, after any wrongdoing, must be comprehensive if they are to lead to real change and the rebuilding of trust

Lorna Harvey
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs


Image by the author via Canva

I’ve often wondered why people think they should be forgiven once they apologize for hurting someone. They believe that is good enough and life should just go on as before they upset the other person.

I have a problem with this thinking. If I hurt someone because I was thoughtless, that is one thing. This could be that I forgot someone’s birthday or I was late for dinner. An apology followed by an explanation might be enough.

However, I read stories all the time on Quora or Reddit of people doing terrible things and then expecting that an apology should mean they are forgiven. I think that is right up there with thoughts and prayers. Neither means anything when people suffer, or their lives are ruined.

Although apologizing to others is an essential part of acknowledging mistakes and attempting to find a solution, it may not be enough. There are times when saying sorry is insufficient to convey the extent of the damage.

Saying Sorry May Not Be Enough If You’ve Harmed Someone:



Lorna Harvey
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

I’m a blogger, writer, and interested in helping people find answers for living their best life. I also write on https://www.createthebestlife.com/.