Why You Should Watch Yellowstone

All the good reasons to watch Yellowstone. Not a joke.

Dan Clark Comedy
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs


Honorable Mentions

Before we get to the main list here are some honorable mentions for “reasons you should watch Yellowstone”

You don’t understand what a television is.

You are in a coma. Sorry, you are in a coma unable to see or hear anything.

The top answer to google searched term; “Yellowstone show” (racists answer underlined in red

You are a closeted racist.

You are an open racist.

You are into the show Ozarks but instead of drugs, you want a show filled with tired stereotypes.

You enjoy really bad television.

You can’t find anything else to do. Even staring at the wall if it's a clean wall would be better.

You are so high you see an episode of Breaking Bad in place of the show while watching.

Photo by Anna Arysheva: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-in-orange-dress-sitting-on-top-of-diving-tower-11869265/

Top 5 Reasons you should watch Yellowstone

You should watch Yellowstone if your kidnappers threaten to chop off your hands and feet. If they just threaten to chop off your hands or feet most are willing to take…



Dan Clark Comedy
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

Medium Top Writer. I write and perform to help cope with my PTSD, anxiety, depression, insomnia, OCD, and mania. A man with an eclectic history and pov.