Wishes Are Subject to Market Risks…

Read the ‘terms and conditions’ before wishing


Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

The Wish

Once there was a boy named Jay, whose only wish was to move outside of his birthplace. He wanted to live somewhere where there was no interference from his parents, cousins, and relatives.

He wanted to start a new life, start fresh. He wanted to work hard for himself and he was okay with putting in the effort that was required to be independent without the presence of nosy people in his life.

Moving out was his only aim. And he had tried all the methods. Through jobs, education, PR, exams, and odd jobs. He was searching for anything. He used to manifest it, breathe it and live it like a mantra.

Because that’s the thing about wishes. You become obsessed and can do anything for them, but not for yourself.

Came True

Photo by Sacha Verheij on Unsplash

One fine day, he got accepted by a company he applied for a job in the USA. He was at the top of the world. He felt like he had achieved what he lived for. He screamed and exhaled like a massive burden was off his chest.

He broke the news to his parents the same day. Their reactions were mixed. They were happy… with tears in their eyes. It was bittersweet for them.

After looking at their reaction, Jay got frustrated.

He said, ‘Why are you crying? Don’t you realize? I got what I wanted! And you are sad? Don’t you love your son? Can’t you be happy that I am happy? My god! This is why I wanted to move!’

His mother said calmly, ‘Yes, beta! We are so happy for you. These are happy tears. please don’t think otherwise. We love you! Will you apply for our visa as well? We wish to visit you, son. We want to travel with you, help you set things up, and see the world with you.’

He was restless and said, ‘NO! I don’t care. You should be happy that I get to go. And you are already thinking about your plans! Selfish! Tsk tsk’ and left the room.

Because that’s the thing about wishes. You think yours are better or classier than others.

Living It

Photo by Kevin Rajaram on Unsplash

He left for the USA after a month.

The first few months were amazing. He used to call his parents and girlfriend whenever he had time. He was too engrossed in setting up things, living an independent life, settling down, and learning how to do things that were different from his home country.

After 6–7 months, exhaustion dawned on him. He became stressed about work, and his long-term and long-distance relationship was suddenly going nowhere.

What once used to give him a sense of satisfaction, started to irk him.

He had no friends because of his long hours. Plus, the work culture was so competitive. He went into depression. He stopped picking up his parents’ phone calls. He was just in isolation and was not enjoying it as he thought he would.

He never thought all this was going to happen!

Because that’s the thing about wishes. You do not know what will happen after they are fulfilled. You never think about it. (And even if you do, it’s always positive).

The Investigation

Photo by Marten Newhall on Unsplash

His mother said to his father, ‘No one is so busy! Whenever I message or call, he is saying I am on a call or I’m in a meeting, or this or that! I think something is wrong with him. He is not telling us.’

Jay’s father said, ‘Or he might actually be busy, no?’

‘I know! Because I track the USA time with my phone every day. I see his ‘last seen’ on Whatsapp. He doesn’t post any stories on Instagram. His snap score has not increased since two months. And you know what? I called his company yesterday to confirm and the guy on the call said that he works from home now! I know he is not okay!!’

‘Oh my God. My wife is a detective.’

‘Offo! Listen na, please apply for our visa, and let’s go visit him?’

And just like all good men, he listened to his wife and applied. And booked their tickets.

Because that’s the thing about questions. Sometimes, they are just plain commands. :p

The Surprise

Photo by Marisa Howenstine on Unsplash

They visited him and knocked at his apartment door. When Jay opened the door, they screamed, ‘Surprise Jay! We are here!’

When they looked at him and his apartment, it was all untidy, he was looking like an early man. Only a lot fatter. And sadder than before they discovered fire.

He looked at them, shocked, and started crying!

His mother asked in panic, ‘Are you not happy to see us?’

Jay said, ‘No no! These are happy tears!’. And he hugged them.

The mother said, ‘Haye beta! Please go and shave and freshen up. Then you have to take us out somewhere to eat. I am just too tired to cook rotis for you!

He said, ‘Haha, yess of course! I will just come’

When they were out, he still could not believe his parents were with him and blurted out, ‘Thank you so much for coming here and being with me. I am happy after so many months!’

She held his hand and said, ‘I know beta! I am so happy that you are relaxed now. Did you know I always wished to travel and explore places with you? Sure, things and situations that we met in now could have been different. But I am still happy that my wish got fulfilled.’

That’s the thing about wishes, you cannot put conditions on them and accept them as they are.


If you think that there is a special genie curated just for you to fulfill your wishes and make your life great, think again.

Because that’s the thing about genies. There is always a trick.


If you think your wishes are more important than others, think again.

Because the genies are not just listening to you. After fulfilling your wishes, they move on to the next master and fulfill theirs. You are not the only one who wishes them.


If you think of blaming the genie that your wish did not turn out as mentioned in the ‘terms and conditions’, then be careful.

Because he couldn’t care less about them. Plus, many people don’t even get that chance. And are still grateful enough to embrace their situation. Gracefully.


The thought of wishes might make you happy but the reality might not. So, make yourself strong enough to be not affected by the volatility and risks of the wishes, and invest for long enough to actually see your dividends grow.

Photo by Yorgos Ntrahas on Unsplash

Until Next Time,




Pankhuree | Kaleidostopia
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

I write about feelings. Truth or Fallacy? Just a matter of perspective.