Women: Trick Daddy Wants You Back in the Kitchen!

Misogynistic men still expect women to provide free labor

Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs


Photo Source: Flickr

Although we all know him best for his lewd lyrics and ratchet antics, it seems the rapper has finally turned over a new weed leaf. Transitioning into more inspirational content, apparently, one of Trick Daddy's primary goals is to inspire women to get back in the kitchen.

You heard that right; This noble knight in dusty armor wants to ensure more women can become wives by inspiring them to get back in the kitchen. How sweet.

Before You Ask…

Yes, this is the same Trick Daddy who has an estranged wife who has been trying to divorce him for years and the same one who mistreated and cheated on his wife until she could barely stand to be around him.

He's also the one who put his financial abuse of his estranged wife on full display by refusing to pay for the divorce that he initially claimed he wanted as well. And as a man who clearly likes his woman seen and not heard, his estranged wife, Joy, was essentially a house trophy for most of the relationship while Mr. Daddy was out doing God knows what with God knows who.

Either way, after agreeing to the divorce, he refused to pay for it or give her any money to allow her to pay for it…



Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

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