Would you Date a Ghost?

To Love and to Hold… Even if They’re Invisible

Sannan A.
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
2 min readJan 29, 2023


Photo by Warren Umoh on Unsplash

Dating can be a tricky business, but imagine throwing a ghost into the mix.

On one hand, you have a being who is no longer bound by the constraints of the physical world, which can be pretty darn cool.

On the other hand, you have a being who is no longer bound by the constraints of the physical world, which can be pretty darn creepy.

Now, before you dismiss this as some sort of Halloween prank, let me assure you that this was a real, yes real, relationship. And like any relationship, it had its ups and downs (obviously).

Ghosts are incredibly low maintenance. They don’t need to eat, sleep, or use the bathroom.

They also don’t care about what you wear or how you look.

They’re also incredibly understanding and forgiving since they’ve been through the whole death thing and all.

On the downside, it can be a bit difficult to have deep conversations with a ghost. They’re not exactly known for their sparkling conversation, and they can’t exactly take you out to dinner and a movie.

They also have a tendency to disappear at inopportune moments, like right in the middle of a fight or when you’re introducing them to your sweet friends.

And don’t even think about trying to get physical with a ghost.

That’s just asking for trouble.

Photo by Lan Gao on Unsplash

Overall, dating a ghost has its ups and downs.

But if you’re looking for a unique and unconventional relationship, it might be worth considering.

Just be prepared for the occasional bout of invisibility and spookiness.

And don’t forget to bring your ghost-repelling spray!

And also, remember that this is not a normal relationship and that you can’t expect the same things from it that you would from a human one.



Sannan A.
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

College Student | Likes to Write Fiction & Non-Fiction | Night Writer