Democracy or Golden Tennis Shoes?

When glitter trumps character

Jody Wright
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs


The golden calf is alive and well in America (image created by Jody Wright using Bing’s Image Creator)

Fuck. Dare I say I’m worried about America? I am.

In my lifetime, I would never have believed people would choose a game show host over someone who had spent years of dedication in government and been a first lady, Hilary Clinton. Oh, crap, that’s right. A LADY. America has never had a woman as a president and I really don’t think I’ll ever see it in my lifetime.

Yes, we tell everyone that they can grow up to be anything they want to be, but the reality for women is . . . it has never happened and don’t hold your breath that it ever will.

So, the candidates most likely before us this November are President Biden and former President Trump. Especially if Trump can tie up the courts, especially the hand-picked Supreme Court, and drag things out so that he can absolve himself of all crimes if he wins the election. Or perhaps the court will find a way to decide that of all the people in this fine country, the King . . . oops, I mean the president doesn’t have to answer for any crime he may have committed, during and after office in perpetuity. Perhaps Trump can convince everyone that ONE man is above the law we all must abide by. He is that one exception. The one golden calf. The one golden one who never wears his own overpriced golden tennis shoes.

If Trump can convince enough people not to vote, or offer a protest vote, perhaps all those drinking his form of Kool-Aid will be suckered once more, declare him messiah, and he can pardon himself.

Or he can use the age card against Biden . . .

Both are frigging old (me too). Biden is now 81 years old and Trump is 77 years old. Do the math. FOUR years difference. So why is everyone thinking Biden is so damn old and Trump isn’t?

Physical stamina. Let’s have them jog together and see who is more fit. No golf carts are allowed. NOT FAIR. Witch hunt. I can hear Trump now.

Oh, it must be that Biden makes mistakes in speeches. So does Trump. Both are probably neck-in-neck with verbal fumblings. But as Biden reminded us —Biden still gets his wife’s name correct. (Trump recently called his wife “Mercedes” in a CPAC speech). Do you really want Trump in charge of nuclear options when he can’t remember the former First Lady’s name?

YouTube Video where our former resident calls his wife “Mercedes.”

What about their actions?

Let’s see. Is Trump the winner in character?

According to

“The ex-president — who is the front-runner for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination — is indicted in four separate prosecutions, the first former Oval Office occupant to ever be charged. He faces 91 criminal counts overall.

“In Atlanta, he and 18 co-defendants were charged in a sprawling RICO case for trying to overturn the election results in Georgia. The Justice Department brought a separate case against him in Washington, DC, for his election challenges. In Florida, the Justice Department brought 37 counts against him for his handling of classified documents after leaving the White House.

“And in New York, he stands charged with 34 felony counts of falsifying business records. It will be the first of his criminal cases to go to trial, with jury selection starting on March 25.”

Can anyone honestly say that Biden even comes close in Trump’s ranking with court cases? Innocent until proven guilty? Yes. But in all of history, I don’t think any presidential candidate had so much against him.

Let’s not even talk about the past. We elected this bumpkin even after seeing him make fun of a reporter many years ago who had a disability. Is this presidential material folks? The guy you want to take care of “WE THE PEOPLE”? — oh not those people . . .

Is this presidential? (YouTube Video)

Yet, he went on to be President. What does that say about us as a nation? I for one, was embarrassed. But not as much as for all womankind . . .

It’s probably best not to talk about what Trump may feel about women. Can we forget this wonderful in-the-moment locker room fit verbiage? Access Hollywood had it on tape.

If you are a star, I guess you can do anything. (YouTube Video)

He excused it as locker room talk and then justified it by saying Clinton did worse. There is no accountability here. Think women as sex objects and pass the baton. Is this what our nation wants in a president?

In May of 2023, a jury found Donald Trump liable for sexually abusing advice columnist E. Jean Carroll in 1996. Aside from any excuses, can we legitimately say, we’d love a president of our nation to be a sexual abuser? UGH!

O.K. “Boys will be boys” as mostly boys say. But think about Roe vs. Wade . . . Trump made sure he could change the face of the Supreme Court. Now women have NO CHOICE in what they can do with their bodies.

Unacceptable. I grew up in the 60’s. Our mothers and grandmothers fought hard for the right to make our own choices. We wanted to make sure no women died from coat-hanger-induced abortions done by the woman down the street. All that is gone now due to Trump’s previous reign, in my opinion.

I’m absolutely buffaloed by people who think Trump is representing the little guy. On what planet?

Sure, he’s not “political”. He sure isn’t! He does everything but kiss Putin on the lips (again, just my opinion). Seriously? Well if that is not a politician . . . I want a politician.

Is Biden perfect? Nope. But given the sheer volume of taped recordings, court cases, and Trump’s own words, I’m completely out to lunch as why we vote for Trump.

Does America just want the drama and danger of an “emperor with no clothes” (but licensing golden tennis shoes) in the White House?

Or do we speak up and tell the emperor the truth as we vote for Democracy while there’s still time?

My hope is that we don’t merely love fools gold.

A fairy tale, where someone finally speaks up. (

Well shit, of course, all the comments above are just from one citizen that wishes the best for democracy in the U.S. The views are simply my own opinion and since we currently still live in a free country, you are welcome to share opinions of your own in your own article.



Jody Wright
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

Writing mostly humor, inspiration, poetry, and anything upbeat. Artist and lover of all things four-legged, especially dogs. Stay, fetch a chair & romp with me.