Write a Little More!

Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
2 min readAug 3, 2022

My entire feed at Medium is making me nervous again. All I read about it, how to make money from this, and how to earn with that, how some writers are churning out viral stuff and their earnings are so and so much.

And add Ko-fi to your account, add Paytm, my country doesn’t qualify for the medium partnership program, da da da, and then some more on the why’s and how’s and tricks of it, and the routes to more followers.

Wait a minute. I didn’t join the platform thinking of “What will I gain?” from writing here.

I joined for:

  • The love of writing
  • To be part of a community that loves to write and read
  • To read and get ideas like other experienced writers on what to write
  • Be inspired each day by exhaustive articles about writing
  • To be surrounded by awesomeness
  • And I am loving it till now

So, I would like to continue to read and write more. And here’s why I think more people should do just that.

For someone new to the platform, I am not thinking of monetizing, for now, I am not thinking of tricks and hacks to increase followers.

I am not acting smart and clever to entice more people to my profile. I don’t know many basic things yet, which I am sure I will learn on the go.

I just love to write. I love to express myself through words. I want to get better at this and I want to carve my niche and find my “Voice”, amongst a million other voices.

So maybe, I am saying, I want to know, “Who am I?” And eventually writing is about finding out just that. Some find out through art, some music, dance, or diving deep into the ocean, for me, it's writing. And I am so thankful to this platform Medium, to help me and a whole lot of us in trying to find ourselves.

So, I just want to write for now. Without getting into hacks and tricks and ways for followers or money.

Who doesn’t like money? We all could do with a little more always. But for now, I think, I'll just write.

Please help me and support me and guide me, if you think I am missing out on important points to take my writing journey further.

Lastly, all I can think of is, “What to write about next”.

Good luck fellow beginners. Write a lot more and sharpen the pencils, in this case, the keyboard.

Be inspired, always



Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

I am on Medium, to write and be part of a fantastic ever-evolving writer community. Email — neets.miss@gmail.com