Yearning for Connection

Going through life as a side-character

Sohaib Waheed
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
3 min readJul 12, 2024


Friends, Relationship, and Love. Growing up, I think most of us can relate to how almost all aspects of media portray the importance of such things. Oh to have those kind of connections in the real world……

Before going any further, I would like to say that I have lived a very blessed life; I have made some genuine friends and my parents do love me (well, on most days). There are people in my circle who will help me if I get into a crisis.

Image from the Manga: Just listen to the song

But there is one thing I feel that has always been lacking, ever since I started to have my own perspective and opinions on things. Ever since I started developing interests and differences. That is “Connection”. I have seen people in my life who have friends or partners who seem connected to their souls, and to be honest, I envy that.

Having someone you can completely understand and bond with is one of the greatest gifts of life. Being able to be your carefree self in front of someone without the need to put on these fake masks of society is my definition of connection.

I am not trying to be one of those edgy teenagers who are saying that no one understands me and I will walk this path alone🐺🐺. borderline is that everybody wants someone with whom they can connect with. Everybody deserves to be loved for who they are.

As people grow up, they tend to surround themselves with these walls that hide their true personality. Getting to know them becomes harder and harder. So, to have simple conversations with them, we have to resort to asking them questions about the latest trends or which celebrity drama has gotten everybody bawling their eyes out. We stray further and further away from the meaningful connections that connect both our hearts and minds.

From Pinterest:

Life is inherently worth living, and I believe we all should try to form a real and genuine connection with as many people as we can in our lifetime. It may be in the form of friends, partners, family, or something else. Let others love and perceive you for your own true self.

I hope you enjoyed this lame piece I have written above. Feel free to follow me to make sure you don’t miss out on mediocre and dumb stories/takes like this🥱🥱.

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